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Lee SinLee Sin 

SOQL relational query order by

[SELECT Contact.FirstName, Contact.Account.Name from Contact order by Contact.Account.Name  limit 1000]

Why is this query not working
Best Answer chosen by Lee Sin
Roy LuoRoy Luo
First of all, save yourself some typing: don't need to have Contact. all over the place since the query is in Contact context.

try this:
SELECT FirstName, Account.Name from Contact where Account.Name!=null order by Account.Name  limit 1000

All Answers

Parvinder SinghParvinder Singh
Are you getting any errors, like non selective query on a very large data set?
Parvinder SinghParvinder Singh
If you are getting that error its becasue your SOQL does not have any selective conditions, read More Efficient SOQL Queries in
Roy LuoRoy Luo
First of all, save yourself some typing: don't need to have Contact. all over the place since the query is in Contact context.

try this:
SELECT FirstName, Account.Name from Contact where Account.Name!=null order by Account.Name  limit 1000
This was selected as the best answer
Roy LuoRoy Luo
Likely your top 1000 entries have no or blank AccountName