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Displaying item in 3 columns - pageblocksectionitem


I'm working on a visualforce page. At the moment, it only has 2 colomns with the name of the field and the values displayed. (In my screenshot, it's the lines  with 24 mois, 36 mois or 48 mois.)

However, I would need to add a third column, with the name of the field and also its values. What I've done is adding a "page blocksection columns = 3" but this makes the result very bad looking, with bad gaps between fields. I would like those fields to be with a normal gap, I don't know how I can do.

Here is the screenshot : User-added image

And here is the code (I've only gone until the 24mois line as it's the same for 36 and 48)
<apex:pageblocksection columns="1" title="{!$Label.PRICER_Parametres_offres}" collapsible="true" showHeader="true">
            <apex:pageblocksection columns="2">
                <apex:pageblocksectionitem >
                    <apex:outputlabel for="IdDateDebutContrat" value="{!$ObjectType.Offre__c.Fields.DateDedebut__c.label}"/>
                    <apex:selectList id="IdDateDebutContrat" value="{!oOfferOptionDM.sDateDebutContrat}" size="1">
                        <apex:selectOptions value="{!oOfferOptionDM.lDateDebutContrat}"/>
                <apex:pageblocksectionitem >
                    <apex:outputlabel for="IdDateValidite" value="{!$ObjectType.Ref_Config_Pricer__c.Fields.Date_validite_offre__c.label}"/>
                    <apex:outputText id="IdDateValidite" value="{!oOfferOptionDM.sDateValiditeOffre}"/>
                <apex:pageblocksectionitem >
                    <apex:pageblocksection columns="3" >
                    <apex:pageblocksectionitem >    
                        <apex:outputlabel for="Id12Mois" value="{!$ObjectType.Offre__c.Fields.X12_mois__c.label}" />            
                        <apex:inputField id="Id12Mois" value="{!oOfferOptionDM.oOffer.X12_mois__c}"/>
                    <apex:pageblocksectionitem >
                        <apex:outputlabel for="IdMarge12Mois" value="{!$ObjectType.Offre__c.Fields.TECH_Marge_12_mois_EMWh__c.label}" styleClass="labelCol"/>
                        <apex:inputField id="IdMarge12Mois" value="{!oOfferOptionDM.oOffer.TECH_Marge_12_mois_EMWh__c}"/>
                    <apex:pageblocksectionitem >
                        <apex:outputlabel for="IdMarge12Mois" value="{!$ObjectType.Offre__c.Fields.TECH_BC_12_mois_EMWh__c.label}" styleClass="labelCol"/>
                        <apex:inputField id="IdMarge12Mois" value="{!oOfferOptionDM.oOffer.TECH_BC_12_mois_EMWh__c}"/>

<apex:pageblocksectionitem >    
                        <apex:outputlabel for="Id24Mois" value="{!$ObjectType.Offre__c.Fields.X24_mois__c.label}"/>         
                        <apex:inputField id="Id24Mois" value="{!oOfferOptionDM.oOffer.X24_mois__c}"/>
                    <apex:pageblocksectionitem >
                        <apex:outputlabel for="IdMarge24Mois" value="{!$ObjectType.Offre__c.Fields.TECH_Marge_24_mois_EMWh__c.label}" styleClass="labelCol"/>                   
                        <apex:inputField id="IdMarge24Mois" value="{!oOfferOptionDM.oOffer.TECH_Marge_24_mois_EMWh__c}"/>

Thanks for your help
Anoop yadavAnoop yadav
Use apex:panelGrid in Page.
Check the below Link for more information.
RamuRamu (Salesforce Developers) 
You would need to adjust the gaps with css, here is one of the post that I came across.

This is another article which explains about custom css

Hope this helps !!
Hi Yeyeric,

you can always define all page block sections with 3 columns and use aligments where needed:
<apex:page >
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="3">
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem>This is test 1</apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem>This is test 2</apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem>This is test 3</apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="3">
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >This is test 1</apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem>This is test 2</apex:pageBlockSectionItem>