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Ant Migration Tool deployment errors with "Error: limit exceeded"

While deploying code with the Ant Migration Tool, I am getting the error, "Error: limit exceeded" for a custom field on the Contact object.

[sf:deploy] Component Failures: [sf:deploy] 1. objects/Contact.object (Contact.Emergency_Contact_Relationship__c) -- Error: limit exceeded (line 107, column 13)

I've deleted everything from the recycle bin. Any ideas on what might be causing this? Thanks.
PratikPratik (Salesforce Developers) 

This error might caused because of the custom field limit exceeded. Cen you check the numebr of custome fields on Contact object.

You can refer this link:

There are 33 custom fields on the Contact object.

The screenshot below shows that only 7% custom fields for the contact object is used.

User-added image
I created a new developer org and it now works.