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Sunny MohlaSunny Mohla 

Custom Account Merge


I need to create a VF Page which displays accounts in a similar way as displayed at the time of Account merge like Account field and radiobutton infront of it.

What i need to do is to create custom Account Merge functionality with 3-4 Accounts displayed in a similar way. Has anyone attempted such scenario or can give me a headway.

PratikPratik (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Sunny,

If you want to merge 3 accounts ata a time, this is possible through out of box Merge wizard.

To find the accounts, you can use the dynamic search to identify the duplicate account based on your parameters.
Refer this for dynamic search(twaek it as per your requirement):

To Merge Account you can use the button/link which will navigate you to standard Merge wizard.

Again tweak this as per your requirement.

You can refer to above gudeline to get started.
