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Lisa HorneLisa Horne 

Trigger Error Help!

I am getting this error on a legacy trigger.  Could someone please help with this one?

Contract_Update_Before_After_Update: execution of AfterUpdate

caused by: System.AsyncException: Future method cannot be called from a future or batch method: Account_Contract_Update_Class.UpdateAccounts(SET<Id>, String)

Trigger.Contract_Update_Before_After_Update: line 147, column 1 : CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY ()

trigger Contract_Update_Before_After_Update on Contract (after update, before update) 
  system.debug('Update TRIGGER FIRSTRUN VARIABLE: ' + Account_Contract_Update_Class.FirstRun);
  list<Contract> TheseContracts = new list<Contract>();
  if(Global_Apex_Calls_Class.FireTriggers == true &&  Global_Apex_Calls_Class.FireGeoCode == true)
    //Query all possible Product Families from Products and put into list
    //Important Product Families should match the API name of Product in Amount fields
      //Get describe of all possible picklist values
    list<Schema.PicklistEntry> ProductFamily_Values = Product2.Family.getDescribe().getPickListValues();
    list<String> ProductFamilies = new list<string>();
    //Loop through all Product Family values from picklist. Get Label of picklist from each value and add to list of ProductFamilies
    string FamilyName = null;
    for(integer i = 0; i<ProductFamily_Values.size(); i++)
      FamilyName =string.valueof(ProductFamily_Values[i].getLabel());
      FamilyName = FamilyName.Replace(' ','_');
    if(Account_Contract_Update_Class.FirstRun == true)
      //Account_Contract_Update_Class.FirstRun = false;
      system.debug('Trigger Is Update: ' + Trigger.isUpdate);
      system.debug('Trigger is Insert: ' + Trigger.isInsert);
      if(Trigger.isInsert == false)
        system.debug('CONTRACT TRIGGER ACTIVATED!');
        String ObjectDMLType ='ContractBefore';
        //Create Set of IDs for Account and Contract Objects on the updated and inserted Contract Products
        set<ID> TheseContractIDs = new set <ID>(); //set of Contract IDs for all Contract Products. 
                              //These Contracts will need to be updated by checking all their Contract Products
        set<ID> TheseAccountIDs = new set<id>(); //Set of Account IDs that have Contract Products. 
                            //These Accounts Need to be updated by checking All their active Contract Products
        for(Contract c : Trigger.New)
          //Add This Contract ID to set TheseContractIDs
          //Add This Account ID to set TheseAccountIDs
        system.debug('CONTRACTS SENT TO CLASS: ' + TheseContractIds);
          system.debug('Contract Update Trigger IS BEFORE!!');
          list<Contract> FromClass = new list<Contract>();
          //FromClass = Account_Contract_Update_Class.UpdateContracts(TheseContractIDs, ObjectDMLType);  
          Account_Contract_Update_Class.UpdateContracts_Trigger(TheseContracts, ObjectDMLType);
          //system.debug('RETURN FROM CLASS: ' + FromClass);
          system.debug('RETURN FROM CLASS: ' + FromClass);
          //system.assert(false,'After class!:  '+ FromClass.size());
          if(FromClass != null && FromClass.size() > 0)
            map<id, Contract> mFromClass = new map<id,Contract>();
            for(Contract c : FromClass)
            Contract cFromClass = null;
            //Variables for Contract Loop
            String RecurringField = '_Total_Recuring_Amount__c';
            string NonRecurringField = '_Total_Non_Recurring_Amount__c';
            Object O = null; //Variable of field object that we can get the value of field name
            //Build map of all fields on Contract
            Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> mFields = new Contract().getSobjectType().getDescribe().fields.getMap();    
            //Dynamic Apex variables. 
            sObject delegate; //Contract active in loop
            sObject FromDelegate;
            Schema.SobjectField f; //Field in contract being updated
            string FieldName = null; //Field API name. Used to get Field from mFields (Field Map)
            for(integer i=0;i<;i++)
              RecurringField = '_Total_Recurring_Amount__c'; //Standard Ending. FieldName format is *Product*_Total_Recurring_Amount__c
              NonRecurringField = '_Total_Non_Recurring_Amount__c';//Standard Ending. FieldName format is *Product*_Total_Non_Recurring_Amount__c
              cFromClass = null;
              cFromClass = mFromClass.get([i].id);      
              //for(integer v=0; i<FromClass.size();v++)
                //if([i].id == FromClass[v].id)
                if(cFromClass != null)
                  system.debug('Contract From Class - S797 Total Recurring Amount: ' + cFromClass.Simplifi_797_Total_Recurring_Amount__c);  
                  system.debug('Contract From Class - S797  Total Recurring Amount: '[i].Simplifi_797_Total_Recurring_Amount__c);              
                  FromDelegate = cFromClass;
                  delegate =[i]; //Set the current contract in loop to the delegate sObject
                  //Loop through Products
                  for(integer p=0; p<ProductFamilies.size(); p++)
                    //Default Recurring Field
                    FieldName = ProductFamilies[p] + RecurringField; //Build API name for field
                    f = mFields.get(FieldName); //Get the field from map of fields based on API Name
                    system.debug('Default field: ' + FieldName);
                    //Check to see if F is null. Null means field does not exist
                    if(f != null)
                      O = FromDelegate.get(f);
                      delegate.put(f, O); //Set the value of the field to 0
                    //Default Non Recurring Field
                    FieldName = ProductFamilies[p] + NonRecurringField; //Build API name for field
                    f = mFields.get(FieldName); //Get the field from map of fields based on API Name
                    //Check to see if F is null. Null means field does not exist
                    if(f != null)
                      O = FromDelegate.get(f);
                      delegate.put(f, O); //Set the value of the field to 0
                  //End Prodct Family Loop
                //End Trigger and Class Match  
              //End FromClass Loop  
            system.debug('Yearly Revenue: ' +[i].yearly_revenue__c);
            system.debug('Products on Contract: ' +[i].Products_included_in_Contract__c);  
            //system.assert([i].Products_included_in_Contract__c != '', 'PRODUCT LIST NOT UPDATED!');
            //system.assert([i].simplifi_797_Amount__c > 0, 'Product Amount Not Updated!');          
            //end Trigger Loop          
          //end If Existing FromClass                
          system.debug('Contract Update Trigger IS AFTER!!');
          /*Information to update Accounts */
          list<Contract_Product__c> TheseProducts = [Select c.Total_Price__c, c.Sale_Type__c, c.Quantity__c, c.Product_Family__c, 
            c.New_Client__c, c.Name, c.Id, c.Exception__c, c.Discount__c, c.Contract__c, c.Contract_Product__c, 
            c.Annual_Price__c, c.Annual_List_Price__c, c.Account__c From Contract_Product__c c where c.Contract__c in :TheseContractIds];
          if(TheseProducts != Null && TheseProducts.size() >0)
            for(Contract_Product__c cp : TheseProducts)
            Account_Contract_Update_Class.UpdateAccounts(TheseAccountIDs, ObjectDMLType);
    //FirstRun IF statement
  //Trigger global test
//last brackett
Are you calling batch from any trigger or updating any records from batch which causing trigger to fire which is making WS callout? Kindly check logs.