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Amanda Byrne- Carolina Tiger RescueAmanda Byrne- Carolina Tiger Rescue 

How to disable testChatterOpptyOnAccount?

I'm trying to deploy an inbound change set with a flow, and the deployment keeps failing with this error:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: Object_API_Name__c duplicates value on record with id, Stack Trace: Class.testChatterOpptyOnAccount.testChatterOppty: line 6, column 1

All the research I've done suggests that this either has something to do with field history tracking or Chatter Feed tracking.  I've disabled tracking field history on all the relevant objects referenced in the flow, and I've disabled the Chatter feed tracking as best I can.  I'm apparently not allowed to disable feed tracking for testChatterOpptyOnAccount.testChatterOppty

We hardly use Chatter at all.  This is driving me batty- how do I get this flow to deploy?

Best Answer chosen by Amanda Byrne- Carolina Tiger Rescue
Geoffrey J FlynnGeoffrey J Flynn
Just on the name this looks an awful lot like someone has created an Apex Trigger to automatically post on the Account chatter feed every time an Opportunity is created for that account.  This will be hard to debug without seeing all the code.
Can you run all tests in Sandbox and see if you get the same error?

All Answers

Geoffrey J FlynnGeoffrey J Flynn
Just on the name this looks an awful lot like someone has created an Apex Trigger to automatically post on the Account chatter feed every time an Opportunity is created for that account.  This will be hard to debug without seeing all the code.
Can you run all tests in Sandbox and see if you get the same error?
This was selected as the best answer
Amanda Byrne- Carolina Tiger RescueAmanda Byrne- Carolina Tiger Rescue
Thanks, that was exactly in the right direction!  I had just tested a similar theory.  testChatterOpptyOnAccount is a component of a package called ChatterUp (which is a pretty cool app). This app was not in my app menu, only listed in installed packages, so I didn't catch it when I was turning off my Chatter rules and settings.

Amanda Byrne- Carolina Tiger RescueAmanda Byrne- Carolina Tiger Rescue
PS- so I uninstalled the app, and validated my change set successfully.