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Mohit KapoorMohit Kapoor 

Not able to edit a child record in nested Query

Hi, I have a code.
public class sample1
    public List<City_of_NY_Projects__c> acct {get;set;}
    public  sample1()
        acct = [SELECT Name, (SELECT Name,Step__c,Phase__c,Version__c,Stage__c,Predecessor__c,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c,Stage_Duration__c,Stage_Duration_2__c,Duration_On_Hold__c,Actual_End_Date__c,Resource_Name__c FROM City_of_NY_Project_Timeline__r WHERE VF_Criteria__c = 'true') FROM City_of_NY_Projects__c limit 5];

    public string editItem {get;set;}

public pageReference editBtn() {
        return null;
  public pageReference cancelBtn() {
        editItem = null;
        return null;
  public PageReference saveBtn() {
      update acct;

            editItem = null;
           return null;

I need to update City of NY Timeline record, which is the child record. Any idea how to modify this.
Can you elaborate your requirement little more as how you will identify a specific City_of_NY_Projects__c IDs for which you need to fetch City_of_NY_Project_Timeline__c records? Are you using standardController in VF as "City_of_NY_Projects__c"?