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Carlos HenriqueCarlos Henrique 

Getting info of fields from previous page

Hello everyone, 

i was searching one way of take selected fields to be used in next page. 
Ex.: pag1 has 3 fields, they will be selected by js and using some method keep these fields and send to the next pag2.

I can already select the fields, but i still dont know how change the page and keep the previously fields.
Unfortunately i cant use the flow because the user will select the field.

thanks in advance.
Best Answer chosen by Carlos Henrique
The easiest way I can think of is by using page parameters to pass them to the different page.

If you are using Visualforce pages and controllers, you can do is
PageReference nextPage = new PageReference('your page');
return nextPage;

// In the constructor of the nextPage you can retrieve them using 


Hope this helps


All Answers

The easiest way I can think of is by using page parameters to pass them to the different page.

If you are using Visualforce pages and controllers, you can do is
PageReference nextPage = new PageReference('your page');
return nextPage;

// In the constructor of the nextPage you can retrieve them using 


Hope this helps

This was selected as the best answer
Carlos HenriqueCarlos Henrique
Hello Buddy,

Thanks for the help @Iogontokartik. I will try this.
I will necessary i use one .js to select the values, because when the user select the option the page will save the values and send to another page. 

And, it's possible i insert methods from the controller inside of js?
Azhar Aziz GAzhar Aziz G
Hey - use the same controller for both pages. When you move one page to next page, you should set setRedirect(false). In this case It retains the values.
PageReference pr = new PageReference('next page');

return pr;
Carlos HenriqueCarlos Henrique
Thank you guys! This helped me a lot :)
Glad was able to help
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