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Gantt chart showing multiple projects

I was trying to do this on Smartsheet but it will only create a gantt chart for a specific opportunity or account, etc.

How do you create a gantt chart that displays multiple opportunities? Essentially linking fields such as Opportunity Name, Start Date, Finish Date and % Complete of multiple opportunities in one gantt chart to show an operations schedule.
You can use google charts to display a gantt style format.

Here is an example of two custom objects called Project and another called Milestone

Visualforce Pages

<apex:page standardController="PPM_Project__c" extensions="ganttChart" showHeader="false"> <img src=" Milestone Gantt Chart&chco=F3F3EC,000000,00FF00,FF0000,0000FF,FF6600&chd=t:{!WhiteData}|{!MilestoneData}&chdl=|Draft|Active|Completed|Cancelled|On-Hold&chxt=x,y&chxl=0:{!ProjectDateRange}1:{!MilestoneNames}&chf=bg,s,F3F3EC" /> </apex:page>


public class ganttChart {

  public PPM_Project__c thisProject;
  public List<Milestone__c> milestones;
  public String projectId;

  public ganttChart(ApexPages.Standardcontroller std)
    projectId = std.getId();
    thisProject = [select Id, Project_Start_Date__c, Project_End_Date__c from PPM_Project__c where Id = :projectId];
    milestones = [select Id, Name, Project__c, Milestone_Start_Date__c, Milestone_End_Date__c, Milestone_Status__c from Milestone__c where Project__c = :projectId order by Milestone_Start_Date__c ASC];
  public String getMilestoneData()
    String milestoneData = '';
    Integer counter = 0;
    String draftData = '';
    String activeData = '';
    String completeData = '';
    String cancelData = '';
    String holdData = '';
    for (Milestone__c m : milestones)
      Integer daysBetween = 2*m.Milestone_Start_Date__c.daysBetween(m.Milestone_End_Date__c);

      if(m.Milestone_Status__c == 'Draft')
        draftData += daysBetween;
        activeData += '0';
        completeData += '0';
        cancelData += '0';
        holdData += '0';
      else if(m.Milestone_Status__c == 'Active')
        draftData += '0';
        activeData += daysBetween;
        completeData += '0';
        cancelData += '0';
        holdData += '0';
      else if(m.Milestone_Status__c == 'Completed')
        draftData += '0';
        activeData += '0';
        completeData += daysBetween;
        cancelData += '0';
        holdData += '0';
      else if(m.Milestone_Status__c == 'Cancelled')
        draftData += '0';
        activeData += '0';
        completeData += '0';
        cancelData += daysBetween;
        holdData += '0';
      else if(m.Milestone_Status__c == 'On-Hold')
        draftData += '0';
        activeData += '0';
        completeData += '0';
        cancelData += '0';
        holdData += daysBetween;
      if(counter != milestones.size())
          draftData += ',';
          activeData += ',';
          completeData += ',';
          cancelData += ',';
          holdData += ',';
    milestoneData = draftData + '|' + activeData + '|' + completeData + '|' + cancelData + '|' + holdData;
    return milestoneData;
  public String getWhiteData()
    String whiteData = '';
    Integer counter = 0;
    for (Milestone__c m : milestones)
      Integer whiteSpace = 2*thisProject.Project_Start_Date__c.daysBetween(m.Milestone_Start_Date__c);
      whiteData += whitespace;
      if(counter != milestones.size())
        whiteData += ',';
    return whiteData;

  public String getProjectDateRange()
    String dateString = '|';
    Integer projectDays = thisProject.Project_Start_Date__c.daysBetween(thisProject.Project_End_Date__c);
    Integer interval = projectDays / 10;
    Date tempDate = thisProject.Project_Start_Date__c;
    for(Integer x = 1; x <= 10; x++)
      dateString += tempDate.month() + '/' + + '|';
      tempDate = tempDate.addDays(interval);
    dateString += thisProject.Project_End_Date__c.month() + '/' + + '|';
    return dateString;
  public String getMilestoneNames()
    String milestoneNames = '|';
    for(Integer back = milestones.size() - 1; back >= 0; back--)
      milestoneNames += milestones.get(back).Name + '|';  
    return milestoneNames;
Raja Kumar MRaja Kumar M
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