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Return URL on Standard Salesforce Product Selection Wizard

I have a link on my VF page to the standard salesforce product selection wizard.  However I would like this wizard to return back to my VF page after completion, but it seems like it doesn't following the retURL.  Anybody have any ideas what to do here?
Shailesh DeshpandeShailesh Deshpande
Could you post the code. Basically at the last action in the wizard, you need to have a method with return type as page reference. Some thing like below:
// considering below button performs the last action in your wizard
<apex:commandButton name="Finish" action={!redirectToMainPage} / >

//and in controller you may have something like:

public PageReference redirectToMainPage(){

PageReference pr = new PageReference('../apex/yourMainVFPage');
return pr;


I'm using the STANDARD wizard for product selection.  i.e. this url "_ui/sales/quote/SelectSearch?addTo=" for adding products to a quote.  The problem here is that if I include a retURL in the URL the standard wizard doesn't follow it and returns to the quote.  I'm wondering if theres a way around that functionality.