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Arturs GusjkoArturs Gusjko 

Metadata API Custom Object Page override in Managed Package Org


I experience a problem with metadata api in two development orgs.

Both orgs are developer orgs and are setup as managed package org with defined namespaces.
I make metadata api request to retrieve CustomObject information (any object) to retrieve button, link, action (and page) overrides. The problem is that the returned list of actions are all set to "default" even when the page/action is overridden. That behaviour only occurs in the org with the namespace, making a request to the org without namespace returns the correct list of overrides.

Does someone has an explanation of this abnormal behaviour?

Many thanks,
Arturs Gusjko
Better Cloud Solutions Ltd
Arturs GusjkoArturs Gusjko
Just for the record, I tried different metadata api versions.