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Zhe Xu 2Zhe Xu 2 

newbie question, where is the WSDL download page?


I am trying to get myself started with retrieving some inforamtion for saleforce and then save to some local database.
From help, it says 
From Setup, click Develop | API to display the WSDL download page.
Download the appropriate WSDL:

However, when I login and go to developer/API, I just see a message saying:
"Integrate "
 The platform allows you to easily integrate with your applications, and to build new applications that work with For complete API documentation, sample code, and developer community, visit

So what I did wrong? Is there some versioning difference or security difference so I don't see the wsdl download page?

Many Thanks
Jason ChristmanJason Christman
This page is available in the following org types. Developer, Enterprise and Above.  If this is your companies org it sounds like it is Pro or lower and does not have this option available.  To get a new Developer org for you to play around with and learn on, you can go to .
Jason ChristmanJason Christman
I forgot to ask, you do have to have the correct security settings, so you should be an admin or have a custom profile that gives access. If you are an admin then the previous comment applies still.
jerry xujerry xu
I created a demo org to try and just can't get it work. Then I went to and created a new user account there, and everything just worked (I can see API and generate wsdl).

How to find which version am I using?

Jason ChristmanJason Christman
Go to setup, click on  the title "Administration Setup" this will tell you at the top of the page which edition the org is.
Zhe Xu 2Zhe Xu 2
Hi, I clicked setup, but don't really see "Administration setup", what I see is there is a Administer section, build section and monitor section.
Jason ChristmanJason Christman
The administrator section title might be clickable and tell you the information. This sounds like your in a demo or trial org.