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krishna casukhela 7krishna casukhela 7 

SF Dev 401 questionarie

Hi Guys

I appearing for dev 401 cert next week.
For the following questions I see different ansers from many people and frankly speaking I don't have clue as what could be the correct answer
Kindly let me know.

1) Which of the following cannot be used on a user page layout?
Please select two choices.
a. Tag
b. Links
c. Buttons
d. Custom fields
e. Inline Visualforce

Ans: e (my answer is 'e' but I am not sure)

2.Which two (2) items most closely relate to the controller layer of the model view controller paradigm?

a. Apex classes
b. Apex extensions
c. Custom tab
d. Page Layout

My answer : c,d  But I am not sure

3. In a profile can we revoke sharing permisisons:?

My answer : YES  but not very sure

4.  Which of the following statements are true about Roles? (Select all that apply.)
A. A user may be associated with multiple Roles.
B. A user must be associated with at least one Role.
C. Roles do not need to follow the organization chart.
D. Roles control how records roll up for reporting.
E. Roles control the level of visibility that users have to an organizations data.

My answer :  C,D,E but kindly clarify

5)  Under what circumstances would the sharing button to be enabled on a detail view for a record.

A. A developer has added the button to the page layout 

B. When record sharing is enabled in the user profile 

C. When record sharing is set to public read only or private for the object 

D. When record sharing is set to public read/write for the object 

6) What elements does a custom object automatically contain when it is created? (Select all that apply.)

A.    Field Sets
B.    Queues
C.    Page Layout
D.    Standard Controller
E.    Record Type

My Answer : A,C,E  (but pls clarify)

Krishna Casukhela

Best Answer chosen by krishna casukhela 7
1) a, c - you can try this yourself by editing a user page layout in a dev edition
2) a,b - controller is where the business logic lives, which means Apex
3) No. Profiles are about CRUD permissions, nothing to do with sharing. Sharing is org-wide defaults, role/criteria based sharing rules, apex managed sharing etc
4) A and B are definitely wrong.
5) C - the sharing button automatically appears if it is possible to share the record further. Public read/write can't be shared further, as everyone has full access. The first two options don't exist.
6) C, D.  You have to configure record types, queues and field sets - by default there won't be any. You will always get a page layout and be able to use the standard controller on a VF page without any further action.

All Answers

1) a, c - you can try this yourself by editing a user page layout in a dev edition
2) a,b - controller is where the business logic lives, which means Apex
3) No. Profiles are about CRUD permissions, nothing to do with sharing. Sharing is org-wide defaults, role/criteria based sharing rules, apex managed sharing etc
4) A and B are definitely wrong.
5) C - the sharing button automatically appears if it is possible to share the record further. Public read/write can't be shared further, as everyone has full access. The first two options don't exist.
6) C, D.  You have to configure record types, queues and field sets - by default there won't be any. You will always get a page layout and be able to use the standard controller on a VF page without any further action.
This was selected as the best answer
krishna casukhela 7krishna casukhela 7
Hi Thanks for your reply
Bhushan Mahajan 5Bhushan Mahajan 5

krishna casukhela 7

you can use these this link for developer 401 certifications.
" "
krishna casukhela 7krishna casukhela 7
I have already completed my 401 certification.