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Text function in Process builder


When i was trying with Formula in criteria for pick list, used Text function(as doing  normal WF rule), i am getting the following error.
Syntax : CONTAINS ( TEXT (  [Account].TestLightening8__Active__c ), "Yes")

Error: The formula expression is invalid: Incorrect parameter type for function 'TEXT()'. Expected Number, Date, DateTime, Picklist, received Text

Please let me know the correct syntax use to avoid the error


SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
Raja, is TestLightening8__Active__c  a picklist? 
CONTAINS (TEXT (Account.TestLightening8__Active__c ), "Yes")
Hi Sonam,
yes, it is pick list field.
we required Square braces  for Account obj then only process builder is considering as Obj.
Still issue persists.