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Mdex Centre-VilleMdex Centre-Ville 

How to create visualforce page that show filtered task and onliy list view related to these page

Hi all.

I have a question.
We have several categories of task and each of them, several views.  I have a tab with all my task and a lot ... a lot of views list.
I would like to know if it was possible to create as much tab as I have task categories and in each tab, have only view related to this category.

My Idea was to create Visualforce page (As tab) with filter and put inside only related list.

For exemple, in one visualforce page I want all task that concern lead who are interested to be contacted for promotion A. In this page, I want to have some view list that allow me to see people who as never been contacted, contacted 1, 2, 3 times, etc, completed ask, etc.

Here, I have 2 problems. First, How to create a visualforce page that allow me to add filters (Show only task that have some value in a field)
Second problem is how to show view list only in the tab they are related to.

I have no idea how to do that. 

I hope someone will be able to help me with that

thx a lot
SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
Just to understand a bit more on the related lists you are trying to show on the VF, these RLs will have contacts that do not have any tasks/have 2 call tasks etc..I mean you will be creating these RLs depending on the task filters..right?
Mdex Centre-VilleMdex Centre-Ville

Thx for your answer.

Ok.  In my Salesforce account I have Lead and contact (I don't use account because we are working with individuals)
  1. For Lead, the task is usually to contact them to see if they are interested about some promotions and wants to take appointment (Dental clinics)
    1. For them, I have several list to show people we tried to call 1 times, 2 times, 3 times, people we have to contact by Sms, etc. (We do that because by law we c'ant in theory, try to contact them more than 3 times ...
  2. For contact (Patients), we have several Kind of task too
    1. Recall 2 weeks before appointments to confirm it (For those who take appointments several months before)
    2. Recall 2 Days before appointment to confirm it (Everybody)
    3. To contact if they didnt come since 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months (Dépend of their assurances) and didn't have appointment yet. (With view to show how we tried to contact 1,2,3 times).
    4. Other Task like contact patients about their assurances, financing, etc,,,

So now, I have all view in the same Tab so it can be very confusing to people that have to work on them.
It's why I wanted to have several tab that show only views related to a specific task.
  1. One tab that show only tasks related to lead (promotion 1)
  2. One tab that show only tasks related to lead (promotion 2)
  3. One tab that show only tasks related to contact (confirm 2 weeks before)
  4. One tab that show only tasks related to contact (confirm 2 days before)
  5. etc.

The problem is when I create another tab is that all view related to task/event are visible. If it was possible to hide/show views depend on which tab we are it will be great.


thx again