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VF Remote Objects - multi picklist filtering

I am trying to use javascript remote objects and can't find a way to filter on a multi picklist.  In SOQL, it would be an INCLUDES statement, but I don't think you can use includes in remote objects. Does anyone have an example of setting a multi select picklist value in a where clause in remote objects.
coupons.retrieve({limit: 100, where: {Brands__c: {includes: ('brand1','brand2')}}, orderby:[{Name: 'ASC'}]}, function(err, couponRecords){
//process records

//Brands__c is a multi select picklist

kaustav goswamikaustav goswami

Please use like operator. like '%brand1%' or like '%brand2%'

Refer to this link for explanation. It enlists the operators that can be used.

In the backend the multi-select picklists value is stored as a string - brand1;brand2.

So using like should return all those values that have the values brand1 and brand2.

I get this error when trying to use the like operator:

Error: Error occurred while performing RETRIEVE operation on sobject: Coupon__c with data: {where={Markets__c={like=%Florida%}}} (INVALID_QUERY_FILTER_OPERATOR: 
start_date__c FROM Coupon__c WHERE Markets__c like '%Florida%' LIMIT
ERROR at Row:1:Column:89
invalid operator on multipicklist field)
Jon RiehmJon Riehm
Includes isn't a valid remot object where condition according to the documentation ( 

Try using: 
coupons.retrieve({limit: 100, where: {Brands__c: {in: ['brand1'])}}, orderby:[{Name: 'ASC'}]}, function(err, couponRecords){