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sample custom form err

i trying to create a custom form using vf page .can you correct this code .
public with sharing class myClass {

     public String thetextInput1 {get;set;} 
     public String thetextinput2 {get;set;} 

      public void saveObject(){

        myObj regestration_form= new myObj(); 

        myObj.Name__c  =  thetextInput1 ;  
        myObj.roll_num__c =  thetextInput2;  

        insert  myObj; 



Error: Compile Error: Invalid type: myObj at line 8 column 38

vf page 
<apex:page title="reg form"  controller="myclass"  showHeader="false" sidebar="false"   >
    <apex:OutputLabel value="Name"   for="thetextInput1"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!thetextInput1 }"  id="thetextinput1"/>
  <apex:OutputLabel value="roll no"   for="thetextInput2"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!thetextinput2}"  id="thetextinput2"/>  
    <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!saveObject}" />

Meryem FRQMeryem FRQ

Did you create the myObj on your salesforce instance ?
Hi ,
Try to replace myobject with myobj__c or the object in which you want to create record .
public with sharing class myClass {
     public String thetextInput1 {get;set;} 
     public String thetextinput2 {get;set;} 
     public void saveObject(){
		myObj__c regestration_form= new myObj__c(); 
		regestration_form.Name__c  =  thetextInput1 ;  
		regestration_form.roll_num__c =  thetextInput2;  
		insert  regestration_form; 


Try with above code and let me know if it helps .

Hi ,

You can try like below which will help you with less variable .
<apex:page title="reg form"  controller="myclass"  showHeader="false" sidebar="false"   >
		<apex:OutputLabel value="Name"   for="thetextInput1"/>
		<apex:inputText value="{!regestration_form.Name__c }"  id="thetextinput1"/>
		<apex:OutputLabel value="roll no"   for="thetextInput2"/>
		<apex:inputText value="{!regestration_form.roll_num__c}"  id="thetextinput2"/>  
		 <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!saveObject}" />
public with sharing class myClass {
    public myobject regestration_form{get;set;}
	 public myClass(){
	   regestration_form= new myObj__c(); 
     public void saveObject(){
		insert  regestration_form; 

Let me know if it heps .