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Siddhesh ChavanSiddhesh Chavan 

CRUD/FLS Enforcement Error in Security Review

I was submitted my managed package application for security review but it got rejected by giving 
CRUD/FLS Enforcement error. Can any one tell me with example how can i resolve this issue, so i can move further for next procedure.

sandeep sankhlasandeep sankhla
Hi Siddhesh,

This is common or simply error...

In your package or component whatever Object or field you are using or accessing, you should check if those are available to the loggedin current user or not..

You should use isAccsessible() to check if that object and field is accessible to that user or not...

if you are doing nay DML then also we should check if that user is having permission of DML on that specific object or for field..

please check and let me kboiw if it helps you..
