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William MillsWilliam Mills 

Defining Sharing Rules: (Potential) Challenge Checker Error

Hi, I'm having some difficulty with the Defining Sharing Rules challenge. The error message I am getting says "Challenge not yet's what's wrong: An object with the API name Project__c does not exist or does not contain the Priority__c picklist field."
Here's a screenshot of my object with my field. is this an error with the checker system, or am I misunderstanding something? Thanks!
Object screenshot
Martin MittermeierMartin Mittermeier
I had the same issue. Here is what worked: just delete the custom object Project and then rebuild it. After that trailhead recognizes the object and you can set up the sharing rule.
William MillsWilliam Mills
Hm, how strange that mine is still not working...I even tried making a new org! :/
Anand Kulkarni 7Anand Kulkarni 7
Hi William,

Can you check the FLS for Priority check list. I had faced same issue the object was hidden.

Andrejs AntonovsAndrejs Antonovs
I had similar issue. Such solution worked for me:
1) delete Sharing rule
2) delete and erase Priority field
3) create Priority field, and make sure you keep Visibility checkboxes as per default suggestion
4) check if task completed -> new error should appear, not Project or Priority missing
5) create Sharing rule as per task requirements (don't choose Subordinates, only Role should have access)

Good luck ;)
Mayur Tripathi 4Mayur Tripathi 4
Hey! Andrejs, just wanted to thank you. It worked for me.
Florian W. WentzelFlorian W. Wentzel
Hi, Andrejs - thanks for your steps - they solve the issue for me too!
Melanie SauerMelanie Sauer
Hi Andrejs, thank you so much! It worked for me.