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B kldB kld 

Attachments export to Local System then Import to another Database(MySQL or SQLServer)

I want to export attacchments which related to Case Object. and those attachments need to be exported to another database like MySql or SqlServer.
I can able to export attachments using exported attachment name is like "AttachmentId  Underscore followed by Attchment Name" ("00P28000000aCN1EAM_Image"),SO we can easily map while exporting to other database, but some type of files like pdf, docx,ppt... are exporting with the name only It's like " Attchment Name".

What type of export tool can i use so that all the attachments could export with "AttachmentId followed by Attchment Name"

Thanks in Advance
Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher
Have you looked at DBAmp?  Great tool, works as a Linked Server in SqlServer and connects directly to Salesforce.