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John Neilan 2John Neilan 2 

Processinstance in VF Page


I have a Visualforce page constructed on a custom object.  I am using the standard controller for that object.  I also have an Approval Process associated with the object.  I am able to pull in the approval history with the <apex:relatedList List="ProcessSteps"> function.  However, I would like to customize the related list to make it a bit more user-friendly. I know I can use <apex:facet> to control the header, footer, and body, but is there any way to pull in the different columns of the approval history?  (e.g., {!processinstance.Status}, {!processinstance.AssignedTo}, etc.)
Best Answer chosen by John Neilan 2
Hello John,

<apex:relatedList> does not allow customizations except changing the size of record display.
Displaying records in <apex:pageblocktable> using a list from apex class querying process instance is the only solution that allows customizations.

Let me know if you found anyother alternative.

Bharathimohan Rammaurthy
Salesforce For All (


All Answers

Hello John,

<apex:relatedList> does not allow customizations except changing the size of record display.
Displaying records in <apex:pageblocktable> using a list from apex class querying process instance is the only solution that allows customizations.

Let me know if you found anyother alternative.

Bharathimohan Rammaurthy
Salesforce For All (

This was selected as the best answer
Jai ChaturvediJai Chaturvedi

You can use <apex:pageBlaockTable>, <apex:dataTable> for showing the customize tables.

You can use the following objects to SOQL the Approval Process details.

SELECT Id, (SELECT Id, StepStatus, Comments FROM Steps) FROM ProcessInstance
  • This query will query all Approval process and it's Steps
  • Steps is the childRelationshipName for ProcessInstanceSteps
SELECT Id, (SELECT Id, ActorId, ProcessInstanceId FROM Workitems) FROM ProcessInstance.
  • All Appproval process and it's workitem
  • Workitems is the childRelationshipName for ProcessInstanceWorkitem

ProcessInstanceHistory : 
Read Only object. Shows all steps and workitem associated with a ProcessInstance.
  • SELECT Id, (SELECT Id, StepStatus, Comments FROM StepsAndWorkitems) FROM ProcessInstance.
  • StepsAndWorkItems is the childRelationshipName for ProcessInstanceHistory.
  • Manage pending approval request for a user (eg: 2)

  • Query step's and it status in an approval process (Process instance)  (eg: 1)


John Neilan 2John Neilan 2
Thanks.  I figured as much, but thought I would ask.