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Ryan CardyRyan Cardy 

How to obfuscate data in the sandbox before giving it to a developer org

We need to engage a developer org, but are trying to find the balance between giving them access and potential exposure to Confidential Information. 
We will be relying on them for integration services as well as development services so the work should ideally be done on our full sandbox, but this does pose a security issue with our Cusotmer Data. Does anyone have any advice on how best to obfuscate the data, or any suggestions? 
Dan ErvinDan Ervin
You could provide the developer with a developer sandbox and ask that they package change sets and upload to the full sandbox. At that point, you can deploy their work for review without them ever having access to live data.
Ryan CardyRyan Cardy
Thanks Dan. It is more they are hampered with their development without being able to test it on actual data, so I was looking for a way to provide access to large volumes of data, but to protect it somehow.