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Vikas MenonVikas Menon 

Apex Batch to insert record in custom object

Hi All,
Require urgent help. I have custom object of dispatch orders . I want to create a batch class which makes a DO based on the Opportunitie's which are have StageName="Closed Won". Please share a general format along with the cron string value which can initiate record creation every 15 mins.
i have a written a code but the record has failed. 

Vishal Negandhi 16Vishal Negandhi 16
Can you share your code? We can help you correct it.
Vikas MenonVikas Menon
batch class :-
global class createdoforoppsclosedwon implements Database.Batchable<Opportunity>
       global Iterable<Opportunity> start(Database.batchableContext info) 
           System.debug('Start method');
           return new callOppsIterable();

       global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Opportunity> scope)

           list<Dispatch_Order__c> dispatchestoadd = new list<Dispatch_Order__c>();
           Dispatch_Order__c dispatch;
               for(integer i=0;i<scope.size();i++)
                   if(scope[i].nm_SelfLearningMaterial__c=='Send to my shipping address')
                   else if(scope[i].nm_SelfLearningMaterial__c=='Send to my Information Centre. I will pick up')
             insert dispatchestoadd;


       global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc)


callOppsIterable method :-

global class callOppsIterable implements iterable<Opportunity> 
   global Iterator<Opportunity> Iterator()
      return new OppsIterable();
OppsIterable :-

global class OppsIterable implements Iterator<Opportunity>

       List<Opportunity> opps {get; set;} 
       Integer i {get; set;} 
       public OppsIterable()
           opps = [Select Account.Id,nm_InformationCenters__r.nm_LearningCenter__c,nm_SelfLearningMaterial__c,nm_InformationCenters__c From Opportunity where StageName = 'Closed Won' and DO_for_Student__c=false]; 
           i = 0; 
       global boolean hasNext()
           if(i >= opps.size()) 
               return false; 
               return true;
       global Opportunity next()
           return null;
          return opps[i-1];