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Ashok S 7Ashok S 7 

how ca i visible new button in standard pagelayout

hai guys,

I have a requirment.
When creating a new in the custom object new button not visible in the standard page layouts.
How can i visible the new button in standard page layouts.please help me.

IN the profile level i given view all and modify all permissions
Deepak GulianDeepak Gulian
Check your profile security settings. Make sure the profile you are using does have access to Create the Object, then only 'New' button will appear on the page.
Hi Ashok,

Please try below steps to appear button on Page Layout.

1. Go to Setup -> Create -> Objects -> Click on your custom object.
2. In object's details page, Look for Page Layouts related list. 
3. Click on edit link for Page Layout you want to add button to.
4. In Edit Page Layout page, Click on Buttons.
5. Select Your Custom button and drag it to Buttons Section and Save it. Thats all!!


- thatherahere