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Sachin Chaudhary 15Sachin Chaudhary 15 

How to integrate with Oracle product "Billing Revenue Managment" ?

Need to integrate BRM i.e Billing Revenue Managment with Salesforce.
How can I achieve this?
Daniel BallingerDaniel Ballinger
In what way to you want to integrate it with Salesforce?

Do you want data to go from Salesforce to the external system? Do you want data to go from the external system into Salesforce?

Does it have an API that Salesforce can call, or can it call Salesforces APIs?

There are lots of options. It mostly comes down to which way you want the data to move and what APIs are available to make it happen.
Sachin Chaudhary 15Sachin Chaudhary 15
Hi Daniel,

Here is my Use Case

When i am going to create one Customer or Record into the Salesforce then that Customer or Record must be Push into the BRM system I want data to go from Salesforce to the external system.
Daniel BallingerDaniel Ballinger
OK. That should be doable. What API does BRM provide for you to push the record in with?

A typical interation like this will use a trigger on the records of interest to either invoke a future method that performs the callout, or queues the record in a custom object and then uses a scheduled batch job to perform the sync.
Sachin Chaudhary 15Sachin Chaudhary 15
Hi Daniel,

Actually i only got the Opcode from the BRM side. is it enough to integrate ?


Oracle is soon going to Launch an app for this which is integrating Oracle BRM with Salesforce.
