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Brian Sherman 22Brian Sherman 22 

Error Occurred During Flow...

I am getting an error when a process builder flow executes.

DECISION: myPreWaitDecision_myWait_myRule_8
Executed this outcome: myPreWaitRule_myWait_myRule_8
Outcome conditions: 1 AND 2 AND 5 AND 6 AND 7 AND (3 OR 4)
1. {!myVariable_current.Lead_Email__c} ( Is null false
2. {!myVariable_current.Site__r.White_Glove_Property__c} (false) Equals false
3. {!myVariable_current.Site__r.Earliest_Suite_Availabe__c} (null) Greater than {!formula_9_myRule_8_Earliest_Suite_Availabe_c} (<formula_9_myRule_8_Earliest_Suite_Availabe_c couldn't be resolved>)
4. {!myVariable_current.Site__r.Earliest_Suite_Availabe__c} (null) Is null true
5. {!myVariable_current.Application__c} (<myVariable_current.Application__c couldn't be resolved>) Does not equal Application
6. {!myVariable_current.Site__r.Company_Code__c} (1000) Does not equal 2000
7. {!myVariable_current.Site__r.Company__c} (**recordID removed**) Is null false
Logic: Advanced Logic (1 AND 2 AND 5 AND 6 AND 7 AND (3 OR 4))

Does anyone know why the fields in question could not be resolved?
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
Not exactly sure on criteria 5, there might be a syntactical error, I don't have enough info about the process. A screenshot might help. For criteria 3, Site__r.Earliest_Suite_Available__c is equal to null in a mathematical equation, that might be throwing the error. Another reason why may be that in the criteria there is only one underscore before 'c' in there:
3. {!myVariable_current.Site__r.Earliest_Suite_Availabe__c} (null) Greater than {!formula_9_myRule_8_Earliest_Suite_Availabe_c} (<formula_9_myRule_8_Earliest_Suite_Availabe_c couldn't be resolved>)

These are mere speculations, but I hope they help. If not, a screenshot of the criteria would help, as well as the data type of the involved fields.

Thanks for reading,

Brian Sherman 22Brian Sherman 22
The formula in questions is this:

IF([Lead_To_Site_Association__c].Move_In_Date__c > TODAY(),[Lead_To_Site_Association__c].Move_In_Date__c ,

As you can see, there are no single underscores there.