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Yoo Hoo! How to add INCLUDE this?

Hi Gentlemen,

I want to only INCLUDE this Record Type in a formula:   RecordType.Name = "Brazil Deals”

Here is my formula:

January_Revenue__c + February_Revenue__c + March_Revenue__c
Best Answer chosen by Terry_0101
Mahesh DMahesh D
Hi Samantha,

Please explain more in details, what exactly you are looking for.

IF(RecordType.Name = "Brazil Deals”, January_Revenue__c + February_Revenue__c + March_Revenue__c, 0)

This is one way where you can write it.


All Answers

Mahesh DMahesh D
Hi Samantha,

Please explain more in details, what exactly you are looking for.

IF(RecordType.Name = "Brazil Deals”, January_Revenue__c + February_Revenue__c + March_Revenue__c, 0)

This is one way where you can write it.

This was selected as the best answer
yes that worked.  you so smart!