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Nicky TorstenssonNicky Torstensson 

Apex code in VisualForce: European currency format


In short Apex displays currency as 111,222.33
I want the currency displayed as 111.222,33 (Danish currency format).
Searching the Internet yielded scarce results and no solutions.

I have tried 
                        <apex:outputText value="kr. {0, number, #.###,##}">
                        <apex:param value="{!Account.total_oms_index_sidste_aar__c}"/>              

but this just gave me an error due to format pattern for the number being invalid.

Is there a solution to this problem? If so what is it?
Best Answer chosen by Nicky Torstensson
Nicky TorstenssonNicky Torstensson
I shortly after stumbled over the solution. The code in the original post has been replaced with the following:
                   <apex:outputField value="{!Account.total_oms_index_sidste_aar__c}"/>
This resulted in 111.222,33 as was the goal.

All Answers

Nicky TorstenssonNicky Torstensson
I shortly after stumbled over the solution. The code in the original post has been replaced with the following:
                   <apex:outputField value="{!Account.total_oms_index_sidste_aar__c}"/>
This resulted in 111.222,33 as was the goal.
This was selected as the best answer
João Lopes 41João Lopes 41
Brother, you have no idea the amount of work you saved me from.