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Vishal DGVishal DG 

SSO Saml 2.0 bearer assertion profiles for oauth 2.0

I have implemented single sign on between my salesforce org and Identity Provider(i.e. okta). Its working as expected. But now i want Oauth access token for my implementation with existing SAML implementation. For this i am referring I am sending post request to with signed assertion. I have created connected app in salesforce org. I am using client id of connected app as an issuer in assertion.

Using this flow i am getting "Failed: Missing Consumer Key Parameter" under user Login History section.

Also i want to know about use of Oauth 2.0 token endpoint which gets generated after doing Single sign on setting in salesforce org using saml. I am talking about the flow which is mentioned in below link.

I want to use one of the two approaches mentioned above.Please help me on this.