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Bryan Leaman 6Bryan Leaman 6 

Synchronization check is not working Winter'16 (and earlier)

When I first started developing a year ago (and I forget which version I was using at the time), I seem to recall that I'd get a warning if the server code was newer than the copy I was working with. This is no longer happening.  We have multiple developers working in our sandbox and recently discovered that when I save my apex code, VF pages, etc., the IDE is simply saving overtop of whatever is on the server without any warning that the server code changed since I last refreshed my local copy.

I upgraded my IDE to Winter'16 (v35) hoping it would resolve the issue, but it doesn't.

Please, there *has* to be a way to fix this! Even if I use the "Synchronize with server" to update my local copy, til I go through a dozen changes or so and then save the results to the server, someone else could've have already uploaded another change. If the IDE is going to go through a lengthy "Synchronize check against server" it should at least work properly.

At the moment, all I can figure to do is bring up a list of the classes/pages I'm about to upload and make sure I'm the last one to have updated them before I save to server. 
Best Answer chosen by Bryan Leaman 6
This seems to be related to this issue [1] on github.  I would follow that to see if there is a resolution to it.
