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Ramesh GuduruRamesh Guduru 

TestClientHelper -test class failed

I am new to salesforce,could you please assist me,i am getting errror while running these below test class.
(error message :-System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101) 

class name:-ClientHelper
test class name:-TestClientHelper

i have attached both class & test class

class name:-ClientHelper
 *  Class Name      ClientHelper
 *  @Author         Sivarajan (Siva)
 *  @Version        1.0 
 *  @Creation Date  05/25/2011
 *  @Release        
 *  @Purpose
 *                  i)  Reassigning the client Ownership to "MPG ADMIN" Once a client is inserted
 *                  ii) Adding Owner to Client team
 *Goutham Tatineni
 6/25/2012 : Made an enhancment to not include Data manager User in the client team.

public without sharing class ClientHelper
    /** Instance for TeamAssignmentController  */
    static TeamAssignmentController assignmentObj;
     * Method which is used to initiate Data stewardship process like
     * Changing ownership to "MPG ADMIN", Adding the client owner to client team,
     * @param 01  
     *              List of new Accounts to be inserted/updated
     * @param 02
     *              Map of new Accounts to be inserted/updated
     * @param 03
     *              true if trigger event is 'Insert'
    public static void automateDSProcess(List<Account> newAccounts,
                                           Map<Id,Account> newAccountMap,
                                           boolean isInsert) {
        /** If trigger event is insertion then call the 
         * addClientTeamMember method  
        if(isInsert == true) {
     * Method which is used for Changing ownership to "MPG ADMIN" and  
     * Adding the client owner to client team,
     * @param 01  
     *              List of new Accounts to be inserted/updated
     * @param 02
     *              Map of new Accounts to be inserted/updated
    public static void addClientTeamMember(List<Account> newAccounts,
                                           Map<Id,Account> newAccountMap) {
        /* List which has Accounts to reassign */
        List<Account> reassignAccsList = new List<Account>();
        /* Map which is used to store user details */
        Map<Id,User> usersMap = new Map<Id,User>();
        /* List to store client owner Ids */
        List<Id> ownerIds = new List<Id>();
           List of Account Ids where the Account owner needs 
         * to add to client team 
        List<Account> accIdsToReassign = new List<Account>();
         /* to get Id of MPG admin user */
        User MpgAdmin = getMPGADMINDetails();
        for (Account acc : newAccounts) {
            Account account = new Account(Id = acc.Id,OwnerId = MpgAdmin.Id);
           call the method getOwners to get the owner information like profile,
         * status(Active/inActive)and Id
        usersMap = getOwners(OwnerIds);
        /* Reassigning client ownership to "MPG ADMIN" */
        if (reassignAccsList.size() > 0) {
            assignmentObj = new TeamAssignmentController();
            update reassignAccsList;
         * Adding the user to Client team After a client is created.
         * Clients which owned by "System Admin(L3)" won't be added to client team
        for (Account reAssignedAcc : newAccounts) {
            /* Adding to client team if a user is active and not related to L3 */
            if (MpgAdmin != null && usersMap.get(reAssignedAcc.OwnerId).ProfileId != MpgAdmin.ProfileId && usersMap.get(reAssignedAcc.OwnerId).ProfileId != '00e30000001YDfG'
                    && usersMap.get(reAssignedAcc.OwnerId).IsActive == true) {

    /* Method which is used to get information of the MPG ADMIN user */ 
    public static User getMPGADMINDetails()
        User MpgAdmin = [select Id,ProfileId from User where 
                         firstname =: 'MPG' and lastname =: 'ADMIN'];
        return  MpgAdmin;
    /* Method which is used to get owner details */
    public static Map<Id,User> getOwners(List<Id> accOwnerIds)
        Map<Id,User> usersMap = new Map<Id,User>([select Id,Name,ProfileId,
                                                  IsActive from user where 
                                                  Id in: accOwnerIds]); 
        return usersMap;    
    /* Method which is used to add the Team member to the client team */
    public static void addAccountTeamMember(Id accId,Id userId)
        new AccountTeamMember(AccountId = accId,TeamMemberRole
                              = 'Client Representative - Sales',
        UserId = userId));

} // End of Class


Test class name :-TestClientHelper

 *  Class Name      TestClientHelper
 *  @Author         Sivarajan (Siva)
 *  @Version        1.0 
 *  @Creation Date  05/31/2011
 *  @Release        -----
 *  @Purpose
 *                  Test Class for ClientHelper Apex class 
private class TestClientHelper{
    private static Account AccforDSAutomation =null;
    private static Account AccforDSAutomation1 =null;
    private static Account newUltAccforDSAutomation = null;
    private static Account ultAccforDSAutomation = null;
    private static List<User> usrList = new List<User>();
    private static List<Account> accountList = new List<Account>();
    private static Profile ClientTeamMgrProfile;
    private static Profile SystemAdmin;
    private static List<Opportunity> optyAccforDSAutomation= new List<Opportunity>();
    /* Method which is used to get profiles data*/
    public static void getProfile() {
        if (ClientTeamMgrProfile  == null) {
            ClientTeamMgrProfile  = [select id from profile where name='Sales Manager'];
        if (SystemAdmin  == null) {
            SystemAdmin  = [select id from profile where name='System Administrator'];
    /* Method which is used to get users data*/
    public static void getUsers() {
        usrList = new List<User>();
        //SD: The environment is dynamic
        String[] environment = Userinfo.getUserName().split('@');
        for (integer i=0;i<2;i++) {
            User u = new User();
            u.alias = 'Tst';
            if(i == 0)
                u.profileid = ClientTeamMgrProfile.Id;
            if(i == 1)
               u.profileid = SystemAdmin.Id;
            u.username= u.FirstName+u.Lastname+'@'+environment[1];
           // u.LOB_Region__c = 'MP - NA';
            u.Country ='USA';
            u.CompanyName = 'Manpower';
            u.Brand__c = 'ManpowerGroup';
            u.Region__c = 'Corporate';
            u.Sub_Region__c = 'Corporate';
        if(usrList.size()> 0)
            insert usrList;
    /* Method which is used to insert sample Accounts */ 
    public static void getAccounts() {    
        if (ultAccforDSAutomation== null) {
            ultAccforDSAutomation= new Account(name = 'ultAccforDSAutomation',
                                               BillingCity ='ultAccforDSAutomationTestCity',
                                               BillingCountry ='ultAccforDSAutomationCountry',
                                               BillingStreet ='ultAccforDSAutomationSt',
                                               BillingPostalCode ='536768',
                                               phone = '010101');
           // Test.startTest();
            insert ultAccforDSAutomation;
        if (AccforDSAutomation== null) {
            AccforDSAutomation = new Account(name = 'AccforDSAutomation',
                                             BillingCity = 'DSAutomationTestCity', 
                                             BillingCountry ='DSAutomationTestCountry',
                                             BillingStreet ='DSAutomationSt', 
                                             BillingPostalCode ='536767',
                                             Ultimate_Parent_Client__c = ultAccforDSAutomation.Id,
                                             phone = '020202',
                                             OwnerId = usrList[0].Id);
            accountList.add(AccforDSAutomation );
        if (AccforDSAutomation1== null) {
            AccforDSAutomation1= new Account(name = 'AccforDSAutomation1',
                                             BillingCity = 'AccforDSAutomation1TestCity', 
                                             BillingCountry ='AccforDSAutomation1TestCountry',
                                             BillingStreet ='AccforDSAutomation1St', 
                                             BillingPostalCode ='536876',
                                             phone = '010101',
                                             OwnerId = usrList[1].Id);
        if(accountList.size() > 0) {
          // Test.startTest();
            insert accountList;
    /* Test method to cover the code for the method of 
     *  Apex class 'ClientHelper' :
     * Method "addClientTeamMember"
     * */ 
    static testmethod void clientHelperTestmethod()
        /*Checking whether the Ownership of Account is reassigned to "MPG ADMIN".*/
        System.assertEquals([select Id,Owner.Name from Account where 
                             Id =: AccforDSAutomation.Id].Owner.Name,'MPG ADMIN');
        List<AccountTeamMember> ATM = [Select AccountId,id,UserId,TeamMemberRole,
                                       Account.Name From AccountTeamMember 
                                       where AccountId =: AccforDSAutomation.Id];
        /* Checking whether the client Owner(Non System Admin) is added to Client team. */
        System.assertEquals(ATM.size() > 0, true);
        List<AccountTeamMember> ATM1 = [Select AccountId,id,UserId,TeamMemberRole,
                                       Account.Name From AccountTeamMember 
                                       where AccountId =: AccforDSAutomation1.Id];
        /* Checking whether the client Owner(System Admin - L3) is not added to Client team. */
        System.assertEquals(ATM1.size() == 0, true);
        /* Checking the role of the inserted client team member. */
        System.assertEquals(ATM[0].TeamMemberRole, 'Client Representative - Sales');
        Client_Financials__c cf = new Client_Financials__c();
        cf.Client__c = ATM[0].AccountId;
        insert cf;
       ClientTeamAssignmentHelper cs = new ClientTeamAssignmentHelper();
} //End of test class
As stated in the other posts, your tests are structured in a way that does not act like a real interaction with your code.  I would recommend reading over this article [1] and split your test code up to only test a single section of your class wrapped in a start/stop test.
