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Update Network settings for email by March,15

Hi All,

As per Salesforce notification new IP ranges for email will be activated on March 15,2016. In regards to this, we need below details-
Referred knowledge article-
1. For na4 instance, which all IP ranges should be whitelisted for email?
   -Should all IPs listed under Email Security Filters and Email Relaying section(of above knowledge article) be whitelisted?
   -or there a specific list of ranges to be whitelisted for na4 instance?
2. If we try the "Testing Email Deliverability" option now, will it include new IP ranges that will be activated on March 15?
   i.e Will this test ensure that all emails will be received, once the new IP ranges are activated on March 15,2016 

Thanks in anticipation

Hi Prashant,

1) This change should be for all instances.
2) Not sure the answer on that part, maybe someone else will chime in. My guess however is it won't be included until March 15th.
Thanks for your comments !! :)