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Code coverage of apex callout/test class

Hi All,
I am trying to cover the mentioned callout but I am able to achieve 59%. I am unable to cover first method ie getMoog and  all the if statements.
I know there are lots of errors in my code as I am new to technology but currently its working for me, please suggest me to make my code more and more mature.
Global class Moogsoft {
    @future (callout=true)
    public static  void getMoog(String inc, Decimal moog,id iid) {
        HttpResponse  res = authToken();
        String authT;
        JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(res.getBody());
            while (parser.nextToken() != null) {
                if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME){
                    String fieldName = parser.getText();
                     if(fieldName == 'auth_token' ) {
                        authT = parser.getText();
        HttpResponse  firstc = firstCall(inc,moog,authT);
        HttpResponse secondC = secondCall(inc,moog,authT);
        HttpResponse thirdC = thirdCall(iid,moog,authT);
     public static httpResponse authToken() {
        String URL1 = '';
        HttpResponse resData = HTTPCallout(URL1, 'GET');
        System.debug('Response from Moog: ('+resData.getStatusCode()+')'+resData.getBody());
           if(resData.getStatusCode()>299) {
            String error = 'Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = '+resData.getStatusCode()+
                            '. Message: '+resData.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resData.getBody();
               return resdata;
          else {
            return resData;
    public static httpResponse firstCall(String a1,Decimal b1,String c1) {
        String aa = a1;
        Decimal bb = b1;
        String cc = c1;
        String URL2 = ''';
        HttpResponse res = HTTPCallout(URL2, 'POST');
        System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+res.getStatusCode()+')'+res.getBody());

        if(res.getStatusCode()>299) {
            String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+res.getStatusCode()+
                        '. Message: '+res.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+res.getBody();
            System.debug('##### Failed: '+error);
            return res;
        return res;

    public static httpResponse secondCall(String a2,Decimal b2,String c2) {
        String aa = a2;
        Decimal bb = b2;
        String cc =  c2;
     String URL3 = '';
        HttpResponse resT = HTTPCallout(URL3, 'POST');
        System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resT.getStatusCode()+')'+resT.getBody());

        if(resT.getStatusCode()>299) {
            String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+resT.getStatusCode()+
                        '. Message: '+resT.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resT.getBody();
            System.debug('##### Failed: '+error);
            return resT;
        return resT;
    public static httpResponse thirdCall(id a2,Decimal b2,String c2) {
        id aa = a2;
        Decimal bb = b2;
        String cc =  c2;
        System.debug('3rd call');
      String URL3 = '';
        HttpResponse resm = HTTPCallout(URL3, 'POST');
        System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resm.getStatusCode()+')'+resm.getBody());

        if(resm.getStatusCode()>299) {
            String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+resm.getStatusCode()+
                        '. Message: '+resm.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resm.getBody();
            System.debug('##### Failed: '+error);
            return resm ;

        return resm;

    public Static HttpResponse HTTPCallout(String EndPoint, String Method) {
        Http h = new Http();
        HttpRequest req= new HttpRequest();
        HttpResponse res = null;
        res = h.send(req);
        return res;
Below is my test class.
public class MoogsoftTest {
   static testMethod void moogcallout(){
        // Create the mock response based on a static resource
    StaticResourceCalloutMock mock = new StaticResourceCalloutMock();
        mock.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8');
       // Associate the callout with a mock response
      Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, mock);
       // Call method to test
        HttpResponse result = Moogsoft.authToken();
       // Verify mock response is not null
     System.assertNotEquals(null,result, 'The callout returned a null response.');
      // String error = 'Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = '+result.getStatusCode()+
           //                 '. Message: '+result.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+result.getBody();
           // system.debug('failed'+error);
       HttpResponse res = Moogsoft.firstCall('ca5c44d8a9df405486f41e8dde87f8fb',12345,'0004321');
       System.assertNotEquals(null,res, 'The callout returned a null response.');
       HttpResponse rep = Moogsoft.secondCall('ca5c44d8a9df405486f41e8dde87f8fb',12345,'0004321');
       System.assertNotEquals(null,rep, 'The callout returned a null response.');
        HttpResponse rem = Moogsoft.thirdCall('a1TO0000002j3yb',12345,'0004321');
       System.assertNotEquals(null,rem, 'The callout returned a null response.');

Please help
Thanks in advance.. :)
James LoghryJames Loghry
The trailhead team just released a module on this very topic.  You'll want to create an HttpMockCallout and use that in your unit test.  For more info, see my blog on the new module here: