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Marcel dos SantosMarcel dos Santos 

Customize Chatter notifications email contents

Is it possible to customize the email notifications sent to users for Chatter events?

More specifically, when a user creates a feed item, gets a comment to a feed item or comments following theirs, Salesforce sends an email notification. I couldn't find any email template, nor trigger, nor any other means to change the email content.

I was searching and found in the following links that that was not possible.

As the replies and idea were created many years ago, I would like to know if it still is not possible to customize the email notification sent to the users. If that is still the case, what are the alternatives? Should I mass update all the users preferences to not be notified on Chatter events and create a trigger to email users with a custom email template for all these events (feed creation and comments).
same question!
Frans Flippo 14Frans Flippo 14
10 different similar ideas have already been merged into , the oldest of which is, I believe 11 years old. The latest update from Salesforce from 6 years ago is that it would be in by the next year, i.e. 2016. No update given afterwards and the only thing that's currently possible is to customize the From e-mail address and the tagline and logo at the bottom of the e-mail.

I think it's safe to assume Marc Benioff and his buddies are too busy smoking cigars and drinking scotch to actually care anymore about their customers. After all, their original goal with Salesforce was to get rich --,fl_lossy,q_70/learn/modules/manage_the_sfdc_organizational_alignment_v2mom/msfw_oav2m_creating_org_alignment_v2mom/images/8071a028bc1246f5fb61842ac4446b7b_cjlx-2-kmgo-00-d-50-tbmahkqsznm.png . Either way, their lack of communication is a slap in the face of every member of this developer community.

You can try and reinvent the wheel by disabling the built-in notifications and creating a trigger or flow that does the same thing. But what's the point of building on a product like Salesforce when you still end up having to implement everything yourself?