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Sachin Chaudhary 24Sachin Chaudhary 24 

Didn't Receive Any Mail Regarding Challenge

I have completed 8 Badge. 4 from Developer and 4 from Admin. Will i get T-Shirt?
Best Answer chosen by Sachin Chaudhary 24
Hi Sachin,

As long as you earned the badges in the correct timeframe, you should get the shirt. It may take several hours before you receive the email to claim the sweatshirt. If you don't receive anything, your best bet is to email the Trailhead team at

All Answers

Hi Sachin,

As long as you earned the badges in the correct timeframe, you should get the shirt. It may take several hours before you receive the email to claim the sweatshirt. If you don't receive anything, your best bet is to email the Trailhead team at
This was selected as the best answer
Kevin Breazile 1Kevin Breazile 1
Thanks GirlyGeek,

I am waiting for my e-mail as well.  :)

Sachin Chaudhary 24Sachin Chaudhary 24
Thnx GirlyGeek,

I got mail. My T-Shirt will arrive soon :-)