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Pritam Patil 19Pritam Patil 19 

How to retrieve count of child record using parent record based on time(Current Month & Last Month)


I have a child object "Website_Visit_Clickpath__c" and parent object "Lead_Inspector__c". I want to retrieve the count of child records using the parent through a trigger based on time, i.e. the records of the current month and records of the last month.

Below is the code I am using :

trigger WebsCount on Website_Visits_Clickpath__c (after insert,after update) {

    List<Lead_Inspector__c> leadInspector=new List<Lead_Inspector__c>();
    Website_Visits_Clickpath__c wCount;
    Lead_Inspector__c lIns;

    Integer mnth = System.Today().Month();
    Integer Prevmnth = (System.Today().Month())-1;
    Integer yr = System.Today().Year();
    Integer e=0;
    Integer p=0;
    List<id>LeadInspectorIds = new List<Id>();

    for(Website_Visits_Clickpath__c u:Trigger.New){
              LeadInspectorIds.add(u.Lead_Inspector__c) ;
            wCount= [SELECT Id,Lead_Inspector__c FROM Website_Visits_Clickpath__c WHERE Id=:Trigger.New];
            lIns=[SELECT Id,Total_Website_Visitors_CM__c,Total_Website_Visitors_LM__c,WebVisitorDiff__c, Total_Lead_Identified__c FROM Lead_Inspector__c WHERE Id=:wCount.Lead_Inspector__c];
            e = [select count() from Website_Visits_Clickpath__c where Lead_Inspector__c =:wCount.Lead_Inspector__c  AND  CALENDAR_MONTH(Date_Time__c) = :mnth AND CALENDAR_YEAR(Date_Time__c) = :yr];
            p = [select count() from Website_Visits_Clickpath__c where Lead_Inspector__c =:wCount.Lead_Inspector__c  AND  CALENDAR_MONTH(Date_Time__c) = :Prevmnth AND CALENDAR_YEAR(Date_Time__c) = :yr];
            update leadInspector;

