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Fabio PalladinoFabio Palladino 

Get Initial submitter of an Approval through SOQL

Hi all,
is it possible to get the initial Approval Process submitter for a specific object through apex code ?
I searched around but I could not find a SOQL statement for this purpose.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer chosen by Fabio Palladino
UC InnovationUC Innovation
Yes, you can do something like this:

SELECT TargetObjectId, SubmittedById FROM ProcessInstance WHERE TargetObjectId = '<some SFDC record ID>'

The TargetObjectId is the record ID that is being submitted for approval.  The SubmittedById should be the ID of the User that submitted the approval request.

All Answers

UC InnovationUC Innovation
Yes, you can do something like this:

SELECT TargetObjectId, SubmittedById FROM ProcessInstance WHERE TargetObjectId = '<some SFDC record ID>'

The TargetObjectId is the record ID that is being submitted for approval.  The SubmittedById should be the ID of the User that submitted the approval request.
This was selected as the best answer
Fabio PalladinoFabio Palladino
Hi UC, it works !! The field "SubmittedById" is not documented in the API documentation posted by Raidan.
It appear like an "Hidden" field.

Thanks a lot
UC InnovationUC Innovation
Glad that it works.  I got the field from the IDE.