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Kris SalavaKris Salava 

Why do only some of my Trailhead Badges show up in my connected Partner Community?

I have 47 badges, but only 35 of them appear in the Community where I connected my Trailhead account.
Best Answer chosen by Kris Salava
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
Check out this thread in the Success Community:

It is a known issue; for purposes of integrating between our Trailhead Profiles and Communities, our badges are "property" of a specific email address. Therefore, if you've changed your email address at any point in the history of Trailhead, you will see this kind of mismatching. These threads may help as well:

All Answers

Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
Check out this thread in the Success Community:

It is a known issue; for purposes of integrating between our Trailhead Profiles and Communities, our badges are "property" of a specific email address. Therefore, if you've changed your email address at any point in the history of Trailhead, you will see this kind of mismatching. These threads may help as well:
This was selected as the best answer
Kris SalavaKris Salava
Thank you Parker! Frustrating, but makes sense I guess.
Parker EdelmannParker Edelmann
Very frustrating. Unfortunately, for such a big operation as Trailhead, #TeamTrailhead itself is very small and has limited development resources. I'm glad I could give the reason for why this happens, but I'm sorry I'm not able to give a solution.