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Samuel StevensSamuel Stevens 

Glitch when creating reports

When I'm creating reports, there is often a glitch where it suddenly switches back to the previous page (Create new report). This has happened to me multiple times and you have to start creating the report again.  I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem and if there is any solution?
Best Answer chosen by Samuel Stevens
NagendraNagendra (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Samuel,

Sincerely regret the inconvenience for the delayed reply.

This is something really strange which you are experiencing, please try the below workaround for the above.
  • Reset the password of the developer org which you are using.
  • Try doing the same in a brand new developer org.
  • Try doing it in a different browser.
  • Try from a different IP address.
If still, the problem persists please let us know.

Kindly mark this as solved if it helps.

Best Regards,