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Access to Auth Provider using Apex

I have an auth provider created in Salesforce to give me access to Sharepoint online, as part of the files connect setup process.
However, I am wondering if it is possible to get the access token from this in Apex, so that I can use the REST API to send files to Sharepoint without using the Files Connect UI
The brain works better over lunch - maybe the answer is to use the Files connect api
Did you end up using the Files Connect API? I have setup a file connection between Salesforce and SharePoint but I want to create documents in SharePoint from Salesforce via API. I was leaning towards just using the OneDrive API, however I saw that there is a Files Connect API which might make things easier. I am not sure how to implement the Files Connect API though, as there is not much documentation. Do you have any resources you could point me towards? Or an example?
Hi Phil, No, I gave up when I noticed that the amount of file storage in Salesforce was now enough to meet our needs. Regards, Eamon