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Aundrea McClureAundrea McClure 

appex test failures - System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

I'm trying to deploy to the survey force app to production, but continue to get the 2 error messages below. Any guidance would be appreciated.

error 1:
System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
Stack Trace: Class.ReportFinderUtil.findReportId: line 7, column 1 Class.GettingStartedController.viewResults: line 56, column 1 Class.GettingStartedController.testGettingStarted: line 153, column 1

 System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
Stack Trace: Class.ReportFinderUtil.findReportId: line 7, column 1 Class.viewSurveyResultsComponentController.<init>: line 12, column 1 Class.viewSurveyResultsComponentController.testResultController: line 29, column 1
sandip bijlwansandip bijlwan
This error occurs when query doesn't return any rows. Check the Soql query in Class.GettingStartedController.testGettingStarted at line number 153. The same for 2nd error.
Aundrea McClureAundrea McClure
Script below for error 1, not sure how to check or correct.
public with sharing class GettingStartedController {

public Survey__c testSurvey {get;set;}
public Boolean testSurveyAvailable {get;set;}
public List<String>  questionIds {get;set;}

public GettingStartedController()
// make sure getting started survey doesn't already exist
    questionIds = new List<String>();
        testSurvey = [select Id, Name From Survey__c where Name='SurveyForce Sample Survey' LIMIT 1];
        testSurveyAvailable = true;
    catch (Exception e)
        testSurveyAvailable = false;

public void makeTestSurvey()
    testSurvey = new Survey__c();
    testSurvey.Name = 'SurveyForce Sample Survey';
    testSurvey.Submit_Response__c = 'empty'; 
    testSurvey.Survey_Container_CSS__c = '#survey_container{ margin: 0 auto; width: 600px; box-shadow: 0 0 14px #CCCCCC; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 14px #CCCCCC; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 14px #CCCCCC; }';
    insert testSurvey;

    testSurveyAvailable = true;

public PageReference viewSurvey()
    return new PageReference('/Apex/SurveyManagerPage?id=' + testSurvey.Id);

public PageReference takeSurvey()
    return new PageReference('/Apex/TakeSurvey?id=' + testSurvey.Id + '&cId=none&caId=none');

public PageReference viewResults()
    ReportFinderUtil rfu = new ReportFinderUtil();
    String reportId = rfu.findReportId('Survey with Questions and Responses');  
    String surveyId = testSurvey.Id;
    surveyId = surveyId.substring(0,15);
    return new PageReference('/' + reportId + '?pv0=' + surveyId);

  private String createQuestion(Integer i){
    Survey_Question__c q = new Survey_Question__c();
    q.Name = 'Testing Question';
    q.Survey__c = testSurvey.Id;
    q.Type__c = getType(i);
    q.Choices__c = getChoices(i);
    q.Question__c = 'Testing Question question' + i;
    q.OrderNumber__c = i;
    q.Required__c = true;
    insert q;
  private String getType(Integer i){
    if      (i==1)
     return 'Multi-Select--Vertical';
    else if (i==2)
     return 'Single Select--Vertical';
    else if (i==3)
     return 'Free Text';
     return 'Single Select--Horizontal';
  private String getChoices(Integer i){
    if (i == 0)
        return 'one\ntwo\nthree\n';
    if (i == 1)
        return 'four\nfive\nsix\n';
    if (i == 2)
        return 'seven\neight\nnine\n';

    return '';
  private void createResponses()
    Contact c = new Contact();
        c = [Select Id From Contact where Email=:'surveyForceAppUser@survey.force'];
    catch (Exception e)
    c.LastName = 'Doe';
    c.FirstName = 'Jane';
    c.Email = 'surveyForceAppUser@survey.force';
    insert c;       
    SurveyTaker__c st = new SurveyTaker__c();
    st.Contact__c = c.Id;
    st.Survey__c = testSurvey.Id;
    st.Taken__c = 'false';
    insert st;
    for (Integer i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
        SurveyQuestionResponse__c r = new SurveyQuestionResponse__c();
        if (i == 0) {
            r.Response__c = 'two';
        } else if (i == 1) {
            r.Response__c = 'four';
        } else if (i == 2) {
            r.Response__c = 'nine';
        } else {
            r.Response__c = 'This is a response.';
        Survey_Question__c sq = [Select id from Survey_Question__c where id=: questionIds[i] limit 1];
        r.Survey_Question__c =;
        r.SurveyTaker__c = st.Id;
        insert r;   

  private static testmethod void testGettingStarted()
      List<Survey__c> surveys = [select Id, Name From Survey__c where Name='SurveyForce Sample Survey'];
      GettingStartedController gsc = new GettingStartedController();
      if (surveys.size() >=1)
      List<Survey__c> surveys2  = [select Id, Name From Survey__c where Name='SurveyForce Sample Survey'];
      System.assertEquals(surveys.size() + 1, surveys2.size());

Aundrea McClureAundrea McClure
Seeking guidance as well on how to correct Error 2 -
System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
Stack Trace: Class.ReportFinderUtil.findReportId: line 7, column 1 Class.viewSurveyResultsComponentController.<init>: line 12, column 1 Class.viewSurveyResultsComponentController.testResultController: line 29, column 1
Code below:
public with sharing class viewSurveyResultsComponentController {

public String surveyId {get;set;}

public String reportId {get;set;}
public PageReference results;

public viewSurveyResultsComponentController()
    ReportFinderUtil rfu = new ReportFinderUtil();
    reportId = rfu.findReportId('Survey with Questions and Responses'); 


public pageReference getResults()
    surveyId = surveyId.substring(0,15);
    return new PageReference('/' + reportId + '?pv0=' + surveyId);

private static testmethod void testResultController()
    Survey__c mySurvey = new Survey__c();
    mySurvey.Submit_Response__c = 'empty';  
    insert mySurvey;
    viewSurveyResultsComponentController vsr = new viewSurveyResultsComponentController();
    vsr.surveyId = mySurvey.Id;
    String mySurveyId = mySurvey.Id;
    PageReference pageRef = new PageReference ('/' + vsr.reportId + '?pv0=' + mySurveyId.substring(0,15));

sandip bijlwansandip bijlwan
Please check 7 line in ReportFinderUtil class.