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Allison BrunoAllison Bruno 

Tracking user progress on trailheads

I am trying to find out how I can track the progress of salesforce user's on the trailhead information. Is there a way to see what they have completed and/or when? Is there a report that could be run?
Martijn SchwarzerMartijn Schwarzer
Hi Allison,

Unfortunately, at this time, there is no report that can be run or API that can be consumed. What I personally always do is the following:

1: I ask all the people I want to track to send me their Trailhead Profile URL. (they must make it visible on their forum profile)
2: Weekly I open the profile pages to see if there's any progress

I know that Salesforce is working to make this process easier, probably by creating an API so we can get the Trialhead information based on userID (or something).

I'm afraid that untill that's available, you will have to do it manually....

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
Martijn Schwärzer
Allison BrunoAllison Bruno
Thank you for your response! This is helpful.
Jay SoniJay Soni
Let me know if they made something like this
This is what your looking for