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Glenn DalyGlenn Daly 

Pull through multiple records into email template

I'm trying to amend our code so that it pulls through all incident history records into an email conversation, and not just one record. Would somebody be able to advise on how I can do this please? Below is some of my code. FYI a "BMCServiceDEsk__note__c is created after every interation through email in the remedyforce console. I want to ensure all of these are displayed.

public with sharing class COL_JIS_EmailConversationController {

     BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c incident = null;
    //List<BMCServiceDesk__CustomAttachment__c> incidentAttachments = null;
    //Map<String,String> incidentAttachments = null;
     transient String bodyText = null;
     transient String lastEmailBody = null;
     String subject = null;
    //Attachment attachment = null;
    //String attID = null;
    String toAddresses = '';
    String ccAddresses = '';
        public COL_JIS_EmailConversationController(){
      incident =  [select id, name, COL_JIS_Caller_Email__c, COL_JIS_Caller_Name__c, COL_JIS_Subject__c,
                               from BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c
                where id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') limit 1];
            List<BMCServiceDesk__IncidentHistory__c> inboundEmails = [select Id, BMCServiceDesk__note__c, BMCServiceDesk__EmailConversationData__c,
                                                                                    from BMCServiceDesk__IncidentHistory__c 
                                                                                    where BMCServiceDesk__actionId__c = 'Email Received'
                                                                                    and BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__c = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')
                                                                                    order by Name DESC Limit 10]; 
            if(inboundEmails != null && inboundEmails.size() > 0){
                lastEmailBody = inboundEmails[0].BMCServiceDesk__note__c;
                if(inboundEmails[0].BMCServiceDesk__EmailConversationData__c != null){toAddresses = inboundEmails[0].BMCServiceDesk__EmailConversationData__c;}
                if(inboundEmails[0].COL_JIS_CCEmailAddresses__c != null){ccAddresses = inboundEmails[0].COL_JIS_CCEmailAddresses__c;}
        if(incident != null){
            toAddresses += incident.COL_JIS_Caller_Email__c;
            subject = incident.COL_JIS_Subject__c;   
    public PageReference sendEmail() {
        system.debug('enter sendEmail');
        // attach files
        // create a mail incident history record 
        BMCServiceDesk__Action__c action = null;
        List<BMCServiceDesk__Action__c> actions = [select Id from BMCServiceDesk__Action__c where BMCServiceDesk__Abbreviation__c = 'EMAILOUT' Limit 1];
        if(actions != null && actions.size()>0){
            system.debug('action found');
          action = actions[0];
        String emailBody = bodyText;
        system.debug('************************* To: ' + toAddresses);
        COL_JIS_SingleEmailMessage mail = new COL_JIS_SingleEmailMessage();
        // get the org address to send the email from
        if(incident.COL_JIS_Category_Type__c != ''){
            List<OrgWideEmailAddress> orgWideAddresses = [SELECT Id, Address FROM OrgWideEmailAddress WHERE DisplayName = :incident.COL_JIS_Category_Type__c limit 1 ];
            if(orgWideAddresses != null && orgWideAddresses.size() > 0){
        // set the from address as the default no reply
        /*List<OrgWideEmailAddress> replyTo = [SELECT Id, Address FROM OrgWideEmailAddress WHERE DisplayName = 'Jisc Remedyforce' limit 1 ];
            if(replyTo != null && replyTo.size() > 0){
        mail.setSubject(subject + '(Ref:IN:' + incident.Name + ')');
        if(ccAddresses != null && ccAddresses != ''){
        Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] attachArray = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{};
        String attachmentText = '';
        Integer noOfAttachments = selectedFoos.size();
        if(selectedFoos.size() > 0){
            //noOfAttachments ++;
            attachmentText = 'Attachments sent with this email(' + noOfAttachments + ')';
        //List<Attachment> attachmentsToInsert = new List<Attachment>();
        Integer i = 1;
        for(Attachment a : selectedFoos){
            attachmentText += '\n' + i + '. ' + a.Name;
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment attach = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            Attachment at = [select body from Attachment where Id = :a.Id limit 1];
            //a.parentId = incident.Id;
            //if(a.Id == null){
        //insert attachmentsToInsert;
        if(attachmentText != ''){
            attachmentText += '\n***********************';
        if(incident != null && action != null){
            system.debug('incident and action exist');
            Integer actionCount = [select count() from BMCServiceDesk__IncidentHistory__c where BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__c = :incident.Id];
            String actionName = incident.Name + '_' + string.valueOf(actionCount);
            // add a note to the incident
            emailBody = bodyText + '\n\n' + attachmentText ;
            BMCServiceDesk__IncidentHistory__c note = new BMCServiceDesk__IncidentHistory__c(BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__c = incident.Id,
                                                        BMCServiceDesk__note__c = emailBody,
                                                        BMCServiceDesk__description__c = 'Email sent to ' + toAddresses,
                                                        BMCServiceDesk__FKAction__c = action.Id,
                                                        Name =  actionName,COL_JIS_Caller_Email__c = incident.COL_JIS_Caller_Email__c );
            if(note != null){
                system.debug('insert the note');
                insert note;
    }catch(Exception e){
        return null;
    //return null; // stay on the same page 
    return new PageReference('javascript:window.close()');
    String[] getAddressArray(String addresses){
        if(addresses == null){addresses = '';}
        String[] addressList = addresses.split(';',0);
        return addressList;
    public BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c getIncident() {
        return incident;
    public String getToAddresses() {
        if(toAddresses == null){
            toAddresses = getIncident().COL_JIS_Caller_Email__c;
        return toAddresses;
    public void setToAddresses(String s){
        toAddresses = s;
    public String getCcAddresses() {
        return ccAddresses;
    public void setCcAddresses(String s){
        ccAddresses = s;
    public String getAdditionalText() {
        return bodyText;

    public void setAdditionalText(String s) {
        bodyText = s;
    public String getLastEmailText() {
        return lastEmailBody;

    public void setLastEmailText(String s) {
        lastEmailBody = s;
    public String getSubject() {
        return subject;

    public void setSubject(String s) {
        subject = s;
     public String getAttachFiles() {
        String attachmentList = '';
        for(Attachment a : attachments){
            attachmentList += + '\n';
        return attachmentList;

    // =====================================================================================
    // Private helper methods
    // =====================================================================================
    private String buildHTMLBody(){
        // we cannot use templates as this would require a contact or user and would 
        // result in a double count of the email limit.
        String body = bodyText;
        if(incident.COL_JIS_Service_Desk_Signature__c != null){body += incident.COL_JIS_Service_Desk_Signature__c;}
        body = body.replaceAll('\n','<br>');
        body += '<p>Enquiry Number: '  + incident.Name;
        body += '<br>Subject: ';
        if(incident.COL_JIS_Subject__c != null){body += incident.COL_JIS_Subject__c;}
        body += '<br>Open Date: ';
        if(incident.BMCServiceDesk__openDateTime__c != null){body += incident.BMCServiceDesk__openDateTime__c;}
        body += '<br>Caller Name: ';
        if(incident.COL_JIS_Caller_Name__c != null){body += incident.COL_JIS_Caller_Name__c;}
        body += '<br>Enquiry: <p>';
        body += '<p><hr/><p>';
        if(lastEmailBody != null){body += lastEmailBody.replaceAll('\n', '<br>');}
        return body;
    private String buildPlaintextBody(){
        // we cannot use templates as this would require a contact or user and would 
        // result in a double count of the email limit.
        String body = bodyText;
         if(incident.COL_JIS_Service_Desk_Signature__c != null){body += incident.COL_JIS_Service_Desk_Signature__c;}
        body += '\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n';
        body += '\n\nEnquiry Number: '  + incident.Name;
        body += '\nSubject: ';
        if(incident.COL_JIS_Subject__c != null){body += incident.COL_JIS_Subject__c;}
        body += '\nOpen Date: ';
        if(incident.BMCServiceDesk__openDateTime__c != null){body += incident.BMCServiceDesk__openDateTime__c;}
        body += '\nCaller Name: ';
        if(incident.COL_JIS_Caller_Name__c != null){body += incident.COL_JIS_Caller_Name__c;}
        body += '\nEnquiry: \n';
        if(lastEmailBody != null){body += lastEmailBody;}

        return body;