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Luca Benedettini 7Luca Benedettini 7 

Pass a caso to an apex class from process builder

I use a process builder after a creation on one case, it has to call an apex class taht update one look up on that record. That is my apex class:
public class SetField{
public static void Set(List<Id> casoid){
Case Caso=[select Id from Case where id=:casoid];
Caso.Working_Status__c='JUST CREATED';
ID contratto= [select ID,(select ID from Contracts) from Account where Id=:Caso.AccountID].Contracts.get(0).ID;
and in the process builder in Set Apex Variables I set:
casoid - ID-CaseId
But constantly I encounter the error : 
Error Occurred: An Apex error occurred: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject.
I need your help to fix this please.