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Money Care 7Money Care 7 

How to Update picklist value

Hi Guys
I am facing one challenge for long time .I have two object Account and Discount__c with lookup relationship ,Account object have a picklist filed with value LEAD and CUSTOMER.

Now i have created a account record with picklist value LEAD. my requirment is when i am going to create a record on discount__c object the picklist value which was LEAD is converted to CUSTOMER autometically.that mean the parent object which have have child record then it will to achieve this solution ?
Best Answer chosen by Money Care 7
Dhanya NDhanya N
Add delete event in trigger.

Add this in trigger:
if(trigger.isDelete && trigger.isAfter)

Add this method in Class:
public void OnAfterInsert(list<Discount__c> lstDiscount) {
	set<Id> setOldAccountId = new set<Id>();
	for(Discount__c objDiscount : lstDiscount) {
	for(Account objAccount : [Select Id, picklist_field From Account Where Id IN: setOldAccountId]) {
		objAccount.picklist_field = 'LEAD';
		update lstAccount;


All Answers

Lucian Mihai CiobanuLucian Mihai Ciobanu
You can acvieve this in multiple ways. My personal option is an AFTER INSERT trigger on  Discount__c, but you have other declarative methods like workflows or process builder.
Money Care 7Money Care 7
Hi @Lucian Mihai Ciobanu

Could you share some after insert trigger sample code...
Dhanya NDhanya N
Hi MoneyCare,

Refer below trigger and controller:

trigger DiscountTrigger on Discount__c (after insert) 
    DiscountHandler objHandler = new DiscountHandler();
    if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isAfter)


public with sharing class DiscountHandler 
    set<Id> setAccountId = new set<Id>();
	list<Account> lstAccount = new list<Account>();
    public void OnAfterInsert(list<Discount__c> lstDiscount) {
		for(Discount__c objDiscount : lstDiscount) {
		for(Account objAccount : [Select Id, picklist_field From Account Where Id IN: setAccountId]) {
			objAccount.picklist_field = 'CUSTOMER';
			update lstAccount;

trigger DiscountCheck on Discount__c(after insert) {
    List<Account> accountList = new List<Account>
    Set<Id> accountids = new Set<id>();
    accountList = [Select id, picklistApiName From Account Where id IN: accountids AND picklistApiName='LEAD'];
    for(Account a:accountList)
        a.picklistApiName = 'CUSTOMER';
    update accountList;
please replace "lookupFieldApiName"  and "picklistApiName" with actual field api names.

Mark this as Best Answer, if this solves your problem.
Money Care 7Money Care 7
Hi @Mohammed Rizwan I have modified the code but its showing error like Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: 'Set' at line 5 column 4 trigger TypeCheck on Purchase_Order__c(after insert) { List accountList = new List Set accountids = new Set(); for(Purchase_Order__c d{ if(d.Account_Lookup__c!='') accountids.add(d.Account_Lookup__c); } accountList = [Select id, Type From Account Where id IN: accountids AND Type='Prospect']; for(Account a:accountList) a.Type= 'Customer'; }
trigger DiscountCheck on Discount__c(after insert) {
    List<Account> accountList = new List<Account>();
    set<Id> accountids = new set<id>();
    accountList = [Select id, Type From Account Where id IN: accountids AND Type='Prospect'];
    for(Account a:accountList)
        a.Type = 'Customer';
    update accountList;

Money Care 7Money Care 7
Thanks to All for quick reply.
what you all share is only working on new record creation.which is working fine  as per my requirment.

Problem is i have 3000 existing record in account object,i want to update all existing record  picklist value to CUSTOMER which account record have child record i mean to achieve this .....

Thanks in advance
Dhanya NDhanya N
You can create a batch and run it once to update all existing records. 
Money Care 7Money Care 7 to check which parent record have child record .could you share sample code...
Dhanya NDhanya N
Try this batch:
global with sharing class DiscountBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
    public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
		String strQuery = 'Select Id, picklist_field from Account';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(strQuery); 
	public void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> lstOfAccount) { 
		list<Account> lstAccountToUpdate = new list<Account>();
		for(Account objAccount : [Select Id, picklist_field, (Select Id From Discount__r limit 1) From Account Where Id IN: lstOfAccount]) {
			if(!objAccount.Discount__r.isEmpty()) {
				objAccount.picklist_field = 'CUSTOMER';
			update lstAccountToUpdate;
	public void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

Money Care 7Money Care 7
Hi @ Dhanya N

After modification its showing error

Error: Compile Error: Didn't understand relationship 'Discount__r' in FROM part of query call. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. at line 13 column 34
global with sharing class DiscountBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
    public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
        String strQuery = 'Select Id,Type from Account';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(strQuery); 
    public void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> lstOfAccount) { 
        list<Account> lstAccountToUpdate = new list<Account>();
        for(Account objAccount : [Select Id,Type,(Select Id From Discount__r limit 1) From Account Where Id IN: lstOfAccount]) {
            if(!objAccount.Discount__r.isEmpty()) {
                objAccount.Type = 'Customer';
            update lstAccountToUpdate;
    public void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

Dhanya NDhanya N
You have to find out correct child relationship name.
Refer this link for checking child relationship name: 
Dhanya NDhanya N
Money Care,
Are you able to get child relationship name?
Money Care 7Money Care 7
Yes Dhanya N

How to write test class for above batch class....
Dhanya NDhanya N
Here is the Test class:
private class DiscountBatch _Test {
    @isTest static void test_DiscountBatch () {

        Account objAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test-001', BillingState = 'AL');
        insert objAccount;
        system.assert(objAccount.Id != NULL);
		Discount__c objDiscount = new Discount__c)(Name = 'Test Discount');
		insert objDiscount;
		system.assert(objDiscount.Id != NULL);


        DiscountBatch  batch = new DiscountBatch ();
        database.executeBatch(batch, 100);

		System.assertEquals('CUSTOMER', [Select picklist_field From Account Where Id =: objAccount.Id].picklist_field);

Refer this link for more information about Batch Test Class :
Money Care 7Money Care 7
Hi Dhanya N
public with sharing class DiscountHandler 
    set<Id> setAccountId = new set<Id>();
	list<Account> lstAccount = new list<Account>();
    public void OnAfterInsert(list<Discount__c> lstDiscount) {
		for(Discount__c objDiscount : lstDiscount) {
		for(Account objAccount : [Select Id, picklist_field From Account Where Id IN: setAccountId]) {
			objAccount.picklist_field = 'CUSTOMER';
			update lstAccount;
trigger DiscountTrigger on Discount__c (after insert) 
    DiscountHandler objHandler = new DiscountHandler();
    if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isAfter)

This is working fine when child record created, parent record Account Type field autometically updated This is ok for inserting/creating record

for example i did delete the child record then parent record back to the post value "LEAD" autometically i mean how to implement backword process .

Dhanya NDhanya N
Add delete event in trigger.

Add this in trigger:
if(trigger.isDelete && trigger.isAfter)

Add this method in Class:
public void OnAfterInsert(list<Discount__c> lstDiscount) {
	set<Id> setOldAccountId = new set<Id>();
	for(Discount__c objDiscount : lstDiscount) {
	for(Account objAccount : [Select Id, picklist_field From Account Where Id IN: setOldAccountId]) {
		objAccount.picklist_field = 'LEAD';
		update lstAccount;

This was selected as the best answer
Money Care 7Money Care 7

@isTest private class PicklistHandlerTestMethod
    static testMethod void TestPicklistHandler()
    account a=new account(name='test',Region__c='East', Type='Prospect');
        insert a;
        update a;
        Master_Product__c mp=new Master_Product__c(name='test name',Product_Code__c='c2');
        insert mp;
        contact c=new contact(firstname='Meenakshmi',lastname='Goswami',Designation__c='Developer',;
        insert c;

        Opportunity2__c op=new Opportunity2__c(Name='test1',,,Technical_Bid_date__c=date.Today(),Type_of_Business__c='Regular',;
        insert op;
        Opportunity_Product_Detail__c opd=new Opportunity_Product_Detail__c(,,Quantity__c=10);
        insert opd;
        Quote__c qt=new Quote__c(,Purpose_of_Sales__c='SEZ',Declaration_form_be_provided__c='No');
        insert qt;
       Purchase_Order__c sco=new Purchase_Order__c(,, Company__c =;
insert sco;
        Call_Up_Order__c cuo=new Call_Up_Order__c(name='test call up order',,,Call_Up_Quantity__c=1);
        insert cuo;
        Invoice_Dispatch_details__c idd=new Invoice_Dispatch_details__c(,,;
        insert idd;
        update op;
    static testMethod void TestPicklistHandler1()
          account a=new account(name='test',Region__c='East', Type='Customer');             
            insert a;
        Master_Product__c mp=new Master_Product__c(name='test name',Product_Code__c='c2');
        insert mp;
        contact c=new contact(firstname='Meenakshmi',lastname='Goswami',Designation__c='Developer',;
        insert c;

        Opportunity2__c op=new Opportunity2__c(Name='test1',,,Technical_Bid_date__c=date.Today(),Type_of_Business__c='Regular',;
        insert op;
        Opportunity_Product_Detail__c opd=new Opportunity_Product_Detail__c(,,Quantity__c=10);
        insert opd;
        Quote__c qt=new Quote__c(,Purpose_of_Sales__c='SEZ',Declaration_form_be_provided__c='No');
        insert qt;
       Purchase_Order__c sco=new Purchase_Order__c(,, Company__c =;
insert sco;
delete a;
        Call_Up_Order__c cuo=new Call_Up_Order__c(name='test call up order',,,Call_Up_Quantity__c=1);
        insert cuo;
        Invoice_Dispatch_details__c idd=new Invoice_Dispatch_details__c(,,;
        insert idd;
        update op;
This will be showing this error in test class
Error MessageSystem.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: ENTITY_IS_DELETED, entity is deleted: []
Money Care 7Money Care 7
Hi @Dhanya N

I have created and modified the handler class and trigger which is working in sandbox properly.but in production some user facing this type of issue

Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, TypeCheck: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0019000000uJACTAA4; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_OR_READONLY, insufficient access rights on object id: [] Class.PicklistHandler.OnAfterInsert: line 21, column 1 Trigger.TypeCheck: line 7, column 1: []

How to achieve this issue,anybody have idea.
public with sharing class PicklistHandler 
    set<Id> setAccountId = new set<Id>();
    list<Account> lstAccount = new list<Account>();
    public void OnAfterInsert(list<Purchase_Order__c> lstDiscount) {
        for(Purchase_Order__c objDiscount : lstDiscount) {
        for(Account objAccount : [Select Id,Type From Account Where Id IN: setAccountId]) 
            objAccount.Type = 'Customer';
           update lstAccount;
      public void onAfterDelete(list<Purchase_Order__c> lstDiscount) 
        for(Purchase_Order__c objDiscount : lstDiscount) {
        for(Account objAccount : [Select Id,Type From Account Where Id IN: setAccountId]) 
            objAccount.Type = 'Prospect';
            update lstAccount;
trigger TypeCheck on Purchase_Order__c(after insert , after delete) {

PicklistHandler objHandler = new PicklistHandler ();
    if(trigger.isInsert && trigger.isAfter)
    if(trigger.isDelete && trigger.isAfter)


Dhanya NDhanya N
Check if that user's profile is having edit permission for that object and also to field.
Money Care 7Money Care 7
Yes .user have edit permission for Account object
Dhanya NDhanya N
Also check if that field Type is having Visible permission in Set Field-Level Security 
Money Care 7Money Care 7
Field Type having visible permission in Set Field-Level Security 
Dhanya NDhanya N
Is the custom object Purchase_Order__c is having Create permission?
Money Care 7Money Care 7
Yes ,this object have Edit,Read and Create Permission