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Ashok RathvaAshok Rathva 

Insert New Record(more than 100) using Batch class.

Hi, I am getting problem to insert records into custom object's fields using batch class.

Scenario is user input's fields value (more than 100) and I stored into list variable (sqrList) now I want to insert that list variable (sqrList) data using batch execute method but from start method what I have to pass. There is no error but record is not inserted into object.

Please help me.
List <Answer__c> sqrList = new List<Answer__c>();
for (question q : allQuestions)
          Answer__c sqr = new Answer__c();
            if (q.renderSelectRadio == 'true')
                if (q.required &&  (q.selectedOption == null || q.selectedOption == ''))
                    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please fill out all required fields'));
                if (q.selectedOption == null || q.selectedOption == '')
                    sqr.Response__c = '';
                    sqr.Response__c = q.singleOptions.get(Integer.valueOf(q.selectedOption)).getLabel();
                sqr.Question__c = q.Id;
            else if (q.renderFreeText == 'true')
                if (q.required && q.choices == '')
                    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please fill out all required fields'));
                System.debug('*****Select Radio ' + q.choices);
                sqr.Response__c = q.choices;
                sqr.Question__c = q.Id;
                System.debug('*****Test List ----- ' + sqrList);
            else if (q.renderSelectCheckboxes == 'true')
                if (q.required && (q.selectedOptions == null || q.selectedOptions.size() == 0))
                    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please fill out all required fields'));
                for (String opt : q.selectedOptions)
                    sqr = new Answer__c();
                    if (opt == '' || opt == null)
                        sqr.Response__c = '';
                        sqr.Response__c = q.multiOptions.get(Integer.valueOf(opt)).getLabel();
                    sqr.Question__c = q.Id;
            else if (q.renderSelectRow == 'true')
                if (q.required && (q.selectedOption == null || q.selectedOption == ''))
                    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please fill out all required fields'));
                if (q.selectedOption == null || q.selectedOption == '')
                    sqr.Response__c = '';
                    sqr.Response__c = q.rowOptions.get(Integer.valueOf(q.selectedOption)).getLabel();
                sqr.Question__c = q.Id;

Nayana KNayana K
Can you please post whole code? there is no insert statement I can see in your code right now.
Ashok RathvaAshok Rathva
I have passed that sqrList value into batch execute method.
global virtual void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<SObject> scope) {
            insert sqrList;

Ashok RathvaAshok Rathva
Hi @Nayana K
I want to convert above method into apex batch class to insert responses given by users Its more than 100 so DML governor limit error throws.
Ashok RathvaAshok Rathva
This one is Original Code with normal insert call on submit method when submit button click.
global virtual with sharing class SurveyController {
    public String  qQuestion                      {get; set;}
    public Boolean qRequired                      {get; set;}
    public String  qChoices                       {get; set;}
    public String surveyName                        {get; set;}
    public String surveyHeader                {get; set;}
    public String surveyId                          {get; 
            this.surveyId = value;
    public String renderSurveyPreview           {get; set;}  
    public String questionName                    {get; set;}  
    public String questionType                    {get; set;}
    public Boolean questionRequired             {get; set;}
    public List<SelectOption> singleOptions   {get; set;} 
    public List<question> allQuestions        {get; set;}
    public List<String> responses                   {get; set;}
    public Integer allQuestionsSize               {get; set;}
    public String  templateURL                {get; set;}
    public String  surveyThankYouText         {get; set;}
    public String surveyContainerCss {get; set;}
    public String  surveyThankYouURL          {get; set;}
    public String  caseId                     {get; set;}
    public String contactId {get;set;}
    public String anonymousAnswer {get;set;}
    public List<SelectOption> anonymousOrUser {get;set;}
    public Boolean isInternal {get;set;}
    public String baseURL {get;set;}
    public String userId{get;set;}
    public String userName{get;set;}
    public String surveyTakerId {get;set;}
    public Boolean thankYouRendered{get;set;}
    public List<String> newOrder {get;set;}
    /* Retrieves the list of questions, the survey name, after retrieving the 
       necessary parameters from the url.
    public SurveyController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
        // Get url parameters
        surveyId = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
        caseId   = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('caId');
        contactId = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('cId'); 
        if(caseId ==null || caseId.length()<5){
            caseId = 'none';
        if(contactId ==null || contactId.length()<5){
            contactId = 'none';
        // By default the preview is not showing up
        renderSurveyPreview = 'false';

    public SurveyController(viewShareSurveyComponentController controller)
        surveyId = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
        caseId   = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('caId');
        contactId = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('cId'); 
        if(caseId ==null || caseId.length()<5){
            caseId = 'none';
        if(contactId ==null || contactId.length()<5){
            contactId = 'none';
        // By default the preview is not showing up
        renderSurveyPreview = 'false';
    public void init()
        if (surveyId != null){ 
            // Retrieve all necessary information to be displayed on the page
            allQuestions = new List<question>();
            anonymousOrUser = new List<SelectOption>();
            anonymousOrUser.add(new SelectOption('Anonymous',System.Label.LABS_SF_Anonymous));
            anonymousOrUser.add(new SelectOption('User','User ' + UserInfo.getFirstName() + ' ' + UserInfo.getLastName()));
            anonymousAnswer = 'Anonymous';
            isInternal =true;
            newOrder = new List<String>();
            String urlBase = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
            baseURL = urlBase;
            userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
            userName = UserInfo.getName();
            String profileId = UserInfo.getProfileId();
                Profile p = [select Id, UserType from Profile where Id=:profileId];
                if (p.UserType == 'Guest')
                    isInternal = false;
                    isInternal = true;
            catch (Exception e){
                isInternal = false;
    /* Called during the setup of the page. 
       Retrieve questions and responses from DB and inserts them in 2 lists. */
    public Integer setupQuestionList(){
        return allQuestions.size();
   /** Sets the survey's name variable
    *  param: sID   The survey ID as specified in the DB
    public void setSurveyNameAndThankYou(String sId){
        Survey__c s = [SELECT Name, Id, URL__c, Thank_You_Text__c, thankYouText__c, thankYouLink__c, Survey_Header__c, Survey_Container_CSS__c FROM Survey__c WHERE Id =:sId];
        surveyName = s.Name;
        surveyHeader = s.Survey_Header__c;
        templateURL = s.URL__c+'id='+sId;//+'&cId={!Contact.Id}'+'&caId='+'{!}';
        surveyThankYouText = s.Thank_You_Text__c;
        if (surveyThankYouText == null)
            surveyThankYouText = System.Label.LABS_SF_Survey_Submitted_Thank_you;
        surveyThankYouURL = s.thankYouLink__c;
        surveyContainerCss = s.Survey_Container_CSS__c;
  public Pagereference updateSurveyName(){
      Survey__c s = [SELECT Name, Id, URL__c, thankYouText__c, thankYouLink__c FROM Survey__c WHERE Id =:surveyId];
      s.Name = surveyName;
        update s;
      }catch (Exception e){
      return null;

    public Pagereference updateSurveyThankYouAndLink(){
        Survey__c s = [SELECT Name, Id, URL__c, thankYouText__c, thankYouLink__c FROM Survey__c WHERE Id =:surveyId];
        s.thankYouText__c = surveyThankYouText;
        s.thankYouLink__c = surveyThankYouURL;
            update s;
        }catch(Exception e){
        return null;

  /* When requested from the page - when the user clicks on 'Update Order' -
      this function will reorganize the list so that it is displayed in the new order
   public Pagereference refreshQuestionList(){
    return null;
  private static boolean checkRequired(String response, Survey_Question__c question){
    if(question.Required__c == true){
        if(response == null || response =='NO RESPONSE')
          return false;
    return true;

   /** Redirects the page that displays the detailed results of the survey, 
       from all users who took the survey.
    public PageReference resultPage() {
        return new PageReference('/apex/ResultsPage?id='+surveyId);

    public List<String> getResponses() {
        List<Survey_Answer__c> qr = [Select Survey_Question__c, SurveyTaker__c, Response__c, Name From Survey_Answer__c limit 100];
        List<String> resp = new List<String>();
        for (Survey_Answer__c r : qr) {
        return resp;

   /** Class: question
    *  Retrieves the question information and puts it in the question object
    public class question{
      public String   name                   {get; set;}
      public String   id                           {get; set;}
      public String   question               {get; set;}
      public String   orderNumber            {get; set;}
      public String   choices                {get; set;}
      public String   selectedOption         {get;set;}
      public List<String> selectedOptions {get;set;}
      public List<SelectOption> singleOptions{get; set;}
      public List<SelectOption> multiOptions {get; set;}
      public Boolean  required               {get; set;}
      public String   questionType           {get; set;}    
      public String   surveyName               {get; set;}
      public String   renderFreeText             {get; set;}
      public String   renderSelectRadio      {get; set;}
      public String   renderSelectCheckboxes {get; set;} 
      public String   renderSelectRow        {get; set;}
      public List<String> responses              {get; set;}
      public String   singleOptionsForChart  {get; set;}
      public String   qResultsForChart         {get; set;} 
      public List<String> strList              {get; set;} // The question's option as a list of string
      public List<Integer> resultsCounts       {get; set;} // The count of each response to a question's choices
      public List<SelectOption> rowOptions   {get; set;}
      public boolean  noData                 {get; set;}
      /** Fills up the question object
       *  param:    Survey_Question__c 
     public question(Survey_Question__c sq) {
        name = sq.Name;
        id = sq.Id;
        question = sq.Question__c;
        orderNumber = String.valueOf(sq.OrderNumber__c+1);
        //choices = sq.Choices__c;
        required = sq.Required__c;
        questionType = sq.Type__c;
        singleOptionsForChart = ' ';
        selectedOption = '';
        selectedOptions = new List<String>();
     if (sq.Type__c=='Single Select--Vertical'){
                singleOptions = stringToSelectOptions(choices);
                renderSelectRow = 'false';
        selectedOption = '';
        selectedOptions = new List<String>();                               
     else if (sq.Type__c=='Multi-Select--Vertical'){        
                multiOptions = stringToSelectOptions(choices);
              renderSelectRow = 'false';
        selectedOption = '';
        selectedOptions = new List<String>();
     else if (sq.Type__c=='Single Select--Horizontal'){   
          rowOptions = stringToSelectOptions(choices);
          renderSelectRow = 'true'; 
        selectedOption = '';
        selectedOptions = new List<String>();     
     else if (sq.Type__c=='Free Text'){
          renderSelectRow = 'false';
        //responses= getResponses();
       /** Splits up the string as given by the user and adds each option
        *  to a list to be displayed as option on the Visualforce page
        *  param: str   String as submitted by the user
        *  returns the List of SelectOption for the visualforce page
     @TestVisible private List<SelectOption> stringToSelectOptions(String str){
        if (str == '')
            return new List<SelectOption>();
        strList = str.split('\n');
        List<SelectOption> returnVal = new List<SelectOption>();
        Integer i = 0;
        for(String s: strList){
            if (s!='') {    
                if (s != 'null' && s!= null) {
                    String sBis = s.replace(' ', '%20');
                    singleOptionsForChart += s.trim()+'|';
                    String st = s.replace (' ', '&nbsp;');
                    returnVal.add(new SelectOption(String.valueOf(i),st));
                    returnVal.add(new SelectOption(String.valueOf(i),s));
                    System.debug('*****VALUES: ' + s);
        singleOptionsForChart = singleOptionsForChart.substring(0, singleOptionsForChart.length()-1);
        return returnVal;
  /** Fills up the List of questions to be displayed on the Visualforce page
    public List<question> getAQuestion() {
            qQuestion = '';
            qChoices ='';
        List<Survey_Question__c> allQuestionsObject = 
                                        [Select s.Type__c, s.Id, s.Survey__c, s.Required__c, s.Question__c, 
                                        s.OrderNumber__c, s.Name, s.Q_Choices__c 
                                        From Survey_Question__c s 
                                        WHERE s.Survey__c =: surveyId ORDER BY s.OrderNumber__c];
        allQuestions = new List<question>();
        Double old_OrderNumber = 0;
        Double new_OrderNumber;
        Double difference = 0;
        /* Make sure that the order number follow each other (after deleting a question, orders might not do so) */
        for (Survey_Question__c q : allQuestionsObject){ 
            new_OrderNumber = q.OrderNumber__c;
            difference = new_OrderNumber - old_OrderNumber - 1;
            if (difference > 0) {
                Double dd = double.valueOf(difference);
                Integer newOrderInt = dd.intValue();
                q.OrderNumber__c -= Integer.valueOf(newOrderInt); 
            old_OrderNumber = q.OrderNumber__c;
            question theQ = new question(q);
        allQuestionsSize = allQuestions.size();
        return allQuestions;
    public void submitResults()
        List <Survey_Answer__c> sqrList = new List<Survey_Answer__c>();
        for (question q : allQuestions)
            Survey_Answer__c sqr = new Survey_Answer__c();
            if (q.renderSelectRadio == 'true')
                if (q.required &&  (q.selectedOption == null || q.selectedOption == ''))
                    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please fill out all required fields'));
                if (q.selectedOption == null || q.selectedOption == '')
                    sqr.Response__c = '';
                    sqr.Response__c = q.singleOptions.get(Integer.valueOf(q.selectedOption)).getLabel();
                sqr.Survey_Question__c = q.Id;
            else if (q.renderFreeText == 'true')
                if (q.required && q.choices == '')
                    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please fill out all required fields'));
                System.debug('*****Select Radio ' + q.choices);
                sqr.Response__c = q.choices;
                sqr.Survey_Question__c = q.Id;
            else if (q.renderSelectCheckboxes == 'true')
                if (q.required && (q.selectedOptions == null || q.selectedOptions.size() == 0))
                    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please fill out all required fields'));
                for (String opt : q.selectedOptions)
                    sqr = new Survey_Answer__c();
                    if (opt == '' || opt == null)
                        sqr.Response__c = '';
                        sqr.Response__c = q.multiOptions.get(Integer.valueOf(opt)).getLabel();
                    sqr.Survey_Question__c = q.Id;
            else if (q.renderSelectRow == 'true')
                if (q.required && (q.selectedOption == null || q.selectedOption == ''))
                    Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please fill out all required fields'));
                if (q.selectedOption == null || q.selectedOption == '')
                    sqr.Response__c = '';
                    sqr.Response__c = q.rowOptions.get(Integer.valueOf(q.selectedOption)).getLabel();
                sqr.Survey_Question__c = q.Id;
            for (Survey_Answer__c sqr : sqrList)
                sqr.SurveyTaker__c = surveyTakerId;
            insert sqrList;
    private Boolean AddSurveyTaker()
        String userId;
        if (surveyId == null)
            return false;
        if(caseId.toUpperCase() =='NONE'|| caseId.length()<5)
          caseId = null;    
        if(contactId.toUpperCase() =='NONE'|| contactId.length()<5)
          contactId = null;         
        if (anonymousAnswer != 'Anonymous')
            userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
            userId = null;
        if(anonymousAnswer != 'Anonymous' && (contactId != null || caseId != null))
            List<SurveyTaker__c> check = [Select Contact__c, Survey__c, Case__c, User__c From SurveyTaker__c Where Contact__c=:contactId and Survey__c=:surveyId and Case__c = :caseId and User__c=:UserId];
            if(check != null && check.size()>0){
                Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, System.Label.LABS_SF_You_have_already_taken_this_survey));
                return false;       
        SurveyTaker__c st = new SurveyTaker__c();
        st.Contact__c = contactId;
        st.Survey__c = surveyId;
        st.Taken__c = 'false';
        st.Case__c = caseId;
        st.User__c = userId;
        insert st;  
        surveyTakerId = st.Id;
        return true;    
public void submitResults() method throw DML limit of 101 error so I want to convert into batch class.
