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Removing | USER_INFO | [EXTERNAL] | from Debug Log for sObject access; Log quits before ending. BUG?

Hello everyone,
I am facing a new behavior in the user debug log. I get one line such as below:
16:41:29.18 (18684983)|USER_INFO|[EXTERNAL]|00520000001LzfN||Eastern Standard Time|GMT-04:00
for each access to a sObject field in the page, either in the VF page such as {!sObject record} OR accessed through Javascript. Problem is that I get 50+ of these lines in some busy pages and the log quits before the end at a line like this.
????????  Does anyone have the same issue?
Any idea? Is this a bug?  Can I remove these lines through the filters?  i tried all day long, with no sucess; Even setting Apex debug level to none brings these lines back.
Thansks in advance for your help.
Best Answer chosen by FastSnail
Brian Miller 20Brian Miller 20
Having the same problem, and here's a similar thread:

All Answers

Brian Miller 20Brian Miller 20
Having the same problem, and here's a similar thread:
This was selected as the best answer
Thanks Brian. The process in this thread does not work for me. Let's wait and see if it is fixed.