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Kush Patel 5Kush Patel 5 

Coordinates with <apex:mapMarker>

I would like to be able to mark spots on my map using a marker by drawing out information from a geolocation field but everytime I use !Account.Geocode__c it gives me  this error

Error: Unsupported type: common.api.soap.wsdl.Location used in expression: Account.Geocode__c

Can anyone help me
<apex:page standardController="Account">

<apex:map width="100%" height="400px" mapType="hybrid" zoomLevel="15"  
       <apex:mapMarker position="{latitude:{!Account.Location},longitude:{Geocode__c}}"/>               

Saravana Rajkumar 16Saravana Rajkumar 16
What is the data type of the fields Account.Location and Geocode__c?