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Sudipta DebSudipta Deb 

How to add more fields in the console page layout side panel widgets

Hi All,

I am setting up service console. In the right side, I am displaying "Associated Account" with the case. Attached is the screenshot. Currently only below four fields are getting displayed -
  • Account Name
  • Rating
  • Employees
  • Annual Revenie
I would like to understand how can I can add more feilds from account object to be displayed here. Which page layout from Account object I need to update to add more fields? Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks.
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I believe you can add the fields in there by going to the case layout, next to the associated account click edit, then add the fields to the list. This will allow you to add fields to the box, but the fields must exist in the account object.
Sudipta DebSudipta Deb
Clicking on edit there will allow you to edit the account record not the layout.
User-added image

Click the edit button next to the related section, and this should pop up. In my case I'm editing the opportunity object section display which is linked to my  accouont layout. From there you can add fields and it should popup.