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Kal GillKal Gill 

Clone a complete sandbox Org (separate customer) to my company's sandbox org.


1. I am able to use the Migration tool to access a sandbox Org for a seperate company. I am using the >ant retrieveUnpackage command
2. When I am try and >ant deployUnpackaged to deploy all the metadata to my company sandbox Org, I am haveing many errors.
3. Can some one help if explaining any pre-deploy steps I need to do. I originally started with a plain Org with no Apps of customizations, and still got errors. 
4. I understand about the duplicates, and can remove them, but is there a Best Practise for doing a complete Org Deployment ?

here are some of my errors:
[sf:deploy] Checking the results from server for request ID=0Af1700000DUWuDCAX
[sf:deploy] Waiting for server to finish processing the request...
[sf:deploy] Request Status: Pending
[sf:deploy] Request Status: Pending
[sf:deploy] Request Status: Pending
[sf:deploy] Request Status: Pending
[sf:deploy] Request Status: Pending
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (0/1824)  -- Processing Type: InstalledPackage
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Component Failures:
[sf:deploy] 1.  installedPackages/CRMfusionDBR101.installedPackage -- Error: Unable to install., Details: A newer version of this package is currently installed.
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (73/1824)  -- Processing Type: Role
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Component Failures:
[sf:deploy] 2.  installedPackages/pub.installedPackage -- Error: InstalledPackage version number : 6.0 does not exist!
[sf:deploy] 3.  installedPackages/LH.installedPackage -- Error: Unable to install., Details: A newer version of this package is currently installed.
[sf:deploy] 4.  installedPackages/sf_chttr_apps.installedPackage -- Error: InstalledPackage version number : 12.0 does not exist!
[sf:deploy] 5.  installedPackages/sf_com_apps.installedPackage -- Error: InstalledPackage version number : 8.0 does not exist!
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (94/1824)  -- Processing Type: CustomObject
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (134/1824)  -- Processing Allergy__c.Profile__c
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (1250/1824)  -- Processing Type: ReportType
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Component Failures:
[sf:deploy] 6.  objects/Authorization__c.object (Authorization__c.Authorizations_Assigned_to_Connie) -- Error: In field: group - no Group named Counseling found (line 786, column 19)
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (1280/1824)  -- Processing Type: Layout
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Component Failures:
[sf:deploy] 7.  reportTypes/Contacts_Profiles_Participation_UOS.reportType -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Type_of_Residence__c found (line 786, column 18)
[sf:deploy] 8.  reportTypes/Contacts_with_Profiles_with_Allergies.reportType -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Type_of_Residence__c found (line 382, column 18)
[sf:deploy] 9.  reportTypes/Contacts_with_Profiles_with_Medications_Treatments.reportType -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Type_of_Residence__c found (line 382, column 18)
[sf:deploy] 10.  reportTypes/Contacts_with_Profiles_with_Participation.reportType -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Type_of_Residence__c found (line 502, column 18)
[sf:deploy] 11.  reportTypes/Contacts_with_Profiles_with_Participation_with_Enrollments.reportType -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Type_of_Residence__c found (line 361, column 18)
[sf:deploy] 12.  reportTypes/Contacts_with_Profiles_with_Participation_with_Participation_Objectives.reportType -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Type_of_Residence__c found (line 361, column 18)
[sf:deploy] 13.  reportTypes/Contacts_with_Profiles_with_Referrals.reportType -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Type_of_Residence__c found (line 357, column 18)
[sf:deploy] 14.  reportTypes/Participation_WithContactsProfiles.reportType -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Type_of_Residence__c found (line 3319, column 18)
[sf:deploy] 15.  reportTypes/testing.reportType -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Type_of_Residence__c found (line 381, column 18)
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress (1416/1824)  -- Processing Type: Flow
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Component Failures:
[sf:deploy] 16.  layouts/Profile__c-Profile Layout.layout -- Error: In field: relatedList - no CustomField named GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c.Student_Client_Profile__c found (line 559, column 19)
[sf:deploy] 17.  layouts/SocialPost-Social Post Layout.layout -- Error: Parent entity failed to deploy
[sf:deploy] 18.  layouts/Contact-Contact Layout.layout -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Contact.Volunteer_Approval_Status__c found (line 140, column 26)
[sf:deploy] 19.  layouts/Event_Workshop__c-Event Workshop Layout.layout -- Error: In field: relatedList - no CustomField named GW_Volunteers__Volunteer_Job__c.Event_Workshop__c found (line 183, column 19)
[sf:deploy] 20.  layouts/Lead-Community FFS Layout.layout -- Error: In field: customButtons - no WebLink named Lead.Convert found
[sf:deploy] 21.  layouts/Lead-Group Volunteer Inquiry Layout.layout -- Error: In field: customButtons - no WebLink named Lead.Convert found
[sf:deploy] 22.  layouts/Lead-Student Inquiry Layout.layout -- Error: In field: customButtons - no WebLink named Lead.Convert found
[sf:deploy] 23.  layouts/Lead-Volunteer Lead Layout.layout -- Error: In field: field - no CustomField named Lead.Volunteer_Orientation_Completion_Date__c found (line 97, column 26)
[sf:deploy] 24.  applications/ -- Error: Cannot create a new component with the namespace: standard.  Only components in the same namespace as the organization can be created through the API
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Component Failures:
[sf:deploy] 25.  flows/Account_OnCreateOrEdit-3.flow -- Error: The version of the flow you're updating is active and can't be overwritten.
[sf:deploy] 26.  flows/Account_UpdatePrimaryContactIfHousehold-17.flow -- Error: The version of the flow you're updating was active and can't be overwritten.
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Component Failures:
[sf:deploy] 27.  flows/Authorization_OnCreateOrEdit-2.flow -- Error: The version of the flow you're updating is active and can't be overwritten.
[sf:deploy] 28.  flows/Authorization_NewRouting-12.flow -- Error: The version of the flow you're updating was active and can't be overwritten.
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:deploy] Request Status: InProgress
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sf:deploy] Component Failures:
[sf:deploy] 29.  flows/Contact_CreateUpdateHouseholdAccount-36.flow -- Error: The version of the flow you're updating was active and can't be overwritten.
[sf:deploy] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/Users/kulwantgill/Desktop/02_salesforce/11_force-com_Migration_tool/salesforce_ant_36.0/LH_Sandbox/build.xml:49: Failed to obtain result from server within specified time of 200sec.
Execute following command to obtain the results later: ant deployUnpackaged -Dsf.asyncRequestId=0Af1700000DUWuDCAX

Total time: 3 minutes 32 seconds
MacBook-Pro:LH_Sandbox kulwantgill$ ant deployUnpackaged